Chapter 2: Warning

This is day 1 of the 5 day countdown to christmas, with our first hack being of one of the biggest data centers called the citadel revealed to holding records of a large amount of information about the recent cryptocurrency called furcoin which is nearly matching

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The Miami Episode

Him and syd and june & mabel have been working together since day 1. now that they're 2 weeks into the race, losing now would suck for them.

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I used to think

day 1 "move along..." we moved along through the narrow, straight hallway with a tiled floor in a huge line.

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Changeling Heart: Wounded Left

#13 of changeling story week 3: day 1 (continued) not a word was said, looking at the changeling queen, and now after seeing queen chrysalis; i could tell the different from the two really easily.

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Shifting 1

Back before he'd realised his own innate power, three currently shouting had begun hounding him since day 1 at the school.


The Wishing Witch

**day 1** i recommend starting on a monday or tuesday (more on that later). mentally prepare yourself and make sure you're well-rested. prepare an object of power. for the first night, this is a source of light.

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Pitch Episode 9: Under wheel

day 1 i left town with my best friend and a guy who literally had just been in trouble with the law a few months prior. i'm sure my dad would not have approved.

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Terminology and Names

Very significantly and fittingly on a psychological level, the complex was fully seized on kantaria's revolution day, 1 march.

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Changeling Heart: Returning Home

Week 3: day 1 i brought my hooves over the railings as i watched the sea below us pass with speed that could match that or a normal pegasus.

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Changeling Heart: Saki's Granny

(\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*) week 1 day 1:  

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Paladin: Origins

day 1 time 0530 date 12/25/89 i wake to the sound of my alarm clock. i threw the blankets off of me. i got into the uniform and headed to the door. then i noticed a gift my wife had sent along with me. i had no idea what it was, and i was running late.

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Marooned on Tashoo, Chapter 6

**vi** ** ** **my new home** **(day 1 on tashoo)** **(evening)** after we left the, for want of a better word, palace of the leader of these felines, we again walked through the village.

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