Paladin: Origins
#1 of Paladin
I don't know where I am. I do know its dark and cold. My assignment was to upgrade a comm. system and that's where this whole thing started. It started about a month ago. Military installation 056376, the research facility needed to upgrade a comm. system. I was called in with a group of twenty. It was a huge system, and why a facility like this even had it was beyond me. I didn't ask to go I was told to, and that's how I ended up here...
Day 1 Time 0530 Date 12/25/89
I wake to the sound of my alarm clock. I threw the blankets off of me. I got into the uniform and headed to the door. Then I noticed a gift my wife had sent along with me. I had no idea what it was, and I was running late. Maybe later I'd get to it. I get on the tram to my destination, ten minutes later I was standing in front of the communications system. Ah, how wondrously it looked. It may have been old but it looked fantastic. I remember thinking it was a shame to scrap all of these old parts. I was looking over the blue prints and grabbed the materials I'd need. About four hours later I was done with my work for the day. I went around and saw if everyone else's tasks were going as well. They were, but I just happened to have more experience.
I was a computer engineer's child after all and they head me helping them with projects all of the time. By the time I was four I could disassemble a molecular phase converter blindfolded is less than two minutes and re assemble in even less time. My parents held me in high regards especially the ability to figure out something without instruction in minutes.
So having finished my work early I checked out and went to the commercial area of the base. I went to a late breakfast so it was more of an early lunch. I had my fill then I went back home and saw the present looking me in the face. I went to open it, but then my beeper went off. "Get your ass down here! Need help someone is trapped inside of one of the machines and its locked up," it read.
So I went on down there and I assessed the situation. The piston thank fully stopped before it hurt him. I told him to calm down; he was going to be just fine. Now we were going to have to force the piston backwards. The only other option was to turn off the whole section which would only take a few seconds to do but would put us several hours behind schedule. In the end we had to shut the system down, after that we got him out and he was just fine.
"So... Joel, what happened," I asked.
"I don't know one minute I was checking a system out with a supposed error. Then as soon as I got there it suddenly slammed shut and I was trapped, thank god it jammed," Joel said.
"It didn't jam. It just stopped a failure in the mechanics of it because several parts were removed. If they were still there that would have crushed every bone in your body," I said, I saw the terrified rabbit shake with fear.
I went back to my room after all of the work was done, which means I got in late as hell. It was past eight when I strolled in I filed an accident report and that took me an hour. Then I received a call on the video phone from my wife Jamie, a very attractive and seductive ferret.
"Hey honey, how was work," she asked.
"Long," I said.
"Well what happened," she asked.
"Some damn rookie almost got himself killed. Had to shut down one hundred yards of the comm. Station just to get him out and then we had to rewire a few systems here and there. So I'm more than a little tired," I said exasperatedly.
"Oh, well have you been home much lately," she asked.
"No, oh right, merry Christmas by the way, did you open my gift to you," I asked.
"Yes and let me tell you shouldn't have. Have you opened yours," she asked.
"No, I've been too busy," I said.
"Oh, well you have time now so why not open it," she asked.
"Alright," I said getting up and walking over to the table and grabbing the present. I then walked back over and opened it up. Inside was a set of tools, and a very nice looking belt I said looking up at the screen, "You shouldn't have either. I love you dear, we should be done within a month. Well if we don't keep getting set back every time we turn around, even longer if that's the case."
"I miss you already," she said her ears falling flat against her head.
"I hate this too, I didn't want to go but they are paying me a fortune. I mean I'm getting paid 40 credits an hour. We need the money, and I really didn't have a choice either," I said.
"Sigh, I know. You just got back from a week long seminar on advancing technology. I was kinda hoping you'd be home for a few days," she said.
"I know Jamie, I was too. I was pissed when that happened. It was under penalty life imprisonment," i said.
"Something wrong," she asked, I never called her Jamie.
"No nothing's wrong, just a long, long day," I said.
"I'm not cheating on you! God, can't you trust me? I admit I did and we worked on it we went to counseling. I'm working as hard as I can to make this work, and I know you are committed to making this relationship last. But you've got to quit doubting me," she yelled.
"I didn't say anything about it, I'm distracted because there was a near miss today. Some young kid couldn't have been more than twenty, and he nearly died today because of negligence. It sounds like you've got a guilty conscience though, but whatever you've done I forgive you," I said.
"I don't know why I ever thought I didn't need you. I love you more and more each day. I want you to call me tomorrow. Love you good night," she said.
"Yeah love you good night," I said as she ended the call. I walked over to my bed and as soon as my head hit the pillows I fell asleep.
Day 5 Time 1358 Date 12/30/89
I'm on a tram on the way back. The last four days haven't really been exciting. There haven't been any accidents. Everything seemed to be fine, there were rumors flying around about that these incidents weren't 'incidents'. I thought it would be preposterous, because we checked every line of code and every file we could and there was nothing encoded in anything. Not even the restricted files, now either they were deleted before we found it or this guy was really good.
I had replaced my beeper with a portable video phone. It was easier to manage and it meant I had to go the job site less often, unless it was a dire circumstance, like the piston incident. It is incredibly unlikely, however, the chances of it happening again is rare. Just to make sure though the entire area has been off lined while upgrades are being installed.
My video phone was going off. I reached to my belt and pulled it off. I pressed the answer button. "Hello," I said.
"Hey boss, you gotta come back down here. There was an accident, it's pretty bad," Troy (a kangaroo) said.
"How bad," I asked.
"You'll see when you get here," he responded.
"Fucking A Troy I'll be there in a minute," I said.
When I got there were medics all over and engineers with plasma cutters and welding saws trying to cut out a huge section of 10 ton block, over all it was ineffective. In the end we had to get in mechanized suits and lifted it up while a medical group picked up the remains of the deceased. The bodies were unidentifiable, thank god for the ID tags. I examined the reason for the malfunction, logically there wasn't one, I got tired trying to find the answer and said to hell with it and clocked out. I got on the tram and filed the accident report and sent out a memo. I walked back into my quarters. I called the parents and then I got a call from my wife.
"Hey hon, what's up," I asked.
"I was just calling to see how you are feeling," she said happily.
"Like I just got bead with a sledgehammer, we had another accident today," I said.
"How bad," she asked.
"Real bad were down five workers, they all died it's pretty bad, let's not discuss it," I said.
"So this means you'll be home even later," she asked.
"No, I can get their work done in half the time I can get mine done," I said.
"Don't over exert yourself. I love you too much that if you were to end up in the hospital I'd get sick wondering if you were ok," she said concerned.
"Their jobs are fairly simple I think I can handle it. I love you too, I also wish we had a day to be intimate with one another," I said.
"Oh, I know I like that little thing you do with your paws against my... ooh. I wish we could have had a day or two together," she said longingly.
"I know but you have plenty of ways to take care of those feelings. I know it isn't the same but, it won't seem that long," I said.
"Yeah I know, but get home as soon as you can. I love you good night," she said.
"Yeah love you good night," I said.
Shortly after that I a few soldiers and the commanding officer came in. they asked me about the accident. I told all of them what I knew and they left. I bid them a good night, and had a quick dinner had a through shower and went to bed.
Day 20 Time 2359 Date 1/19/90
I've been up for the past week looking over all of the accident reports. So many so quickly, although there have also been counts of murder. I can't figure it out. People that were friends all of a sudden just started killing each other. It didn't make a lick of sense. I hated the thought of it. Reports of strange things appearing it just made me sick. Most of the engineers had left already. I stayed to ensure it was done correctly
So here we are in the middle of an escape pod. Sending out a distress signal the base is blown up. We could get back to our planet in about 3 days. We're all pissed tired and all we can think about is if we'll be called traitors. I have accurate video logs so I hope they will at the least not blame us.
"We should all just kill ourselves right now," said one of the military furs that worked there.
"That's stupid, they should understand," Millicent (one of the permanent engineers) said.
"Look can we all calm down here? We're sleep deprived, we're hungry, and we've all just gone through some weird ass shit let's get some sleep and see if we feel better in the morning," I said.
"What the fuck do you know civilian. All you know is what you've been trained," they black wolf said.
"Shut up already! I studied politics in school. I know way more than you do about them, what they do all of the cover ups and everything under the sun," I said.
"Yeah well you should know what happened to the crew of the last station that a military destroyed. They were all executed," The large wolf argued.
"Not quite. The man who gave the order was place in prison for life the rest are getting out in two years," I replied.
"Bullshit," he said.
"Believe what you want to, I give up," I said.
"I know no one asked but we'll be planet side but it will be about three days. We have enough food water and air to get there," Millicent piped up.
"Ok well I say we should go to bed and then get some food," I said.
"Fine," the wolf said.
"Ok," Millicent replied.
That night was a restless night. I kept seeing tentacles flying around the facility when I closed my eyes. When I finally drifted off to sleep my dreams were nightmares. I was in a forest with a dense fog. There were sounds I had heard before on the ship. I walked forward and then I was in a ring of trees at a dead end. Then the way I came in disappeared. The trees and fog disappeared into a brightly lit room. And on each wall was someone I cared about. And each one of them was dead, killed by the monsters at the station. Then a mirror dropped down from a hole in the ceiling and then I saw it. I was the one who killed them one of the very monsters I killed. I woke up in a sweat and I noticed the other two were up.
"Nightmare," the wolf asked.
That was weird he sounded completely different. "we dropped out of hyper space thirty minutes ago," he continued.
"Really," I asked.
"Yeah I was concerned myself but they are going to help ME. You and the other must die! It'll be quick and painless you won't feel a thing," he said pulling out his side arm. I tried to move but I was tied down. I felt the bullet rip through the soft cartilage of my head.
My eyes opened. This time I pinched myself I was definitely awake. I wasn't the only one awake.
"You too," Millicent asked.
"Yeah can't sleep," I said.
"Why were those there," the wolf asked.
"The government wanted a bio weapon so they used a facility," I said.
"That's illegal right," Millicent asked.
"No, they keep it a secret, it's perfectly fine. We don't talk they pay hush money. We talk we die," I said simply.
"That's messed up," both of them said.
"It is what it is. Best not think about it," I said.
Even with what little sleep we had we were feeling a lot better. I wish it had lasted, but noting ever does. There were issues about food and water. There was the privacy issue. And boredom, lots and lots of it. When your trapped with three people for more than a day you pretty much know all you can about them.
The second and third day passed pretty quickly. Near the end of the third day we were intercepted by a cruiser. We were brought aboard and we were thoroughly examined (real through). Good news is none of us have cancer. Mental tests were run we all passed. We were allowed to go home after several more examinations.
I came home and gave my wife the biggest hug I could muster. We spent the rest of the day with each other. That night my whole life would be turned upside down. A firm believer in God I often felt he was right around the corner. I went to bed and as soon as I was asleep I was face to face with God. He looked like my grandpa in his early years.
"Welcome, my son," he said.
"Am I dead," I asked.
"In a way yes, you have been chosen for the Soul Collector. We both chose you, the Devil and I. You fit the bill, plus you knew the previous one, and saw his transformation. You are part of the newest generation, so you are the one who will live for a long time. The last one was over two thousand years old when he died. You knew him in the last of his days. The reason they live so long you know the reason. Your home planet, Jutril, was destroyed because he died, then became the new angel of death. I'm sorry to say this fate is a shared fate. You will live in his place for two thousand years. Then again you will follow in his footsteps again in becoming the angle no one appreciates. You will have no one to love, it's part of the curse. I'm sorry even right now your wife is dying. A massive stroke cause by hypertension, there's nothing anyone can do. You won't suffer long though; you will create an invention and become a famous inventor. I think it is time for you to wake up now," he said.
As soon as I did I checked my wife's breathing. Nothing... she had died. I also remembered a silly idea I came up with as a kid, but I called the ambulance first. They arrived within minutes they took us to the hospital and declared what I knew already. She was dead, from a stroke. I was sad I never lost anyone so close to me before. On the other hand I was kinda glad in that sick twisted way. They told me there was nothing I could have done and to go home and get some sleep.
I did then when I woke up I was still lonely but, it didn't matter to me. I had remembered something about a project I was working on as a kid. I got started on it, since I remembered the design. It was supposed to revolutionize the effectiveness of faster than light travel. The only reason I gave up on it was who'd listen to a kid? A few days later it was near completion, I went to Jamie's funeral, it was a beautiful ceremony, followed by a cremation (common form of burial). The following week I had my invention patented. About a month later I got a grant from the government, about five billion credits to open a corporation and update all of their ships with some help.
Later that month I was visited by the Angel of Death, she told me call her Raven. I was to go after a thug who had escaped death on more than twenty occasions. He's currently living in a burnt out building. It was something simple; they wanted me to send a message though. I was to crucify him, while he was alive and hang it up on the northern wall of the building, so it would be visible to every other sinner out there.
"But, isn't that a little over the top," I asked.
"Compared to what? The stupid bastards won't understand a simple kill," she said with a laugh.
"Well I just have some problems with hanging a dead beat thug like him up just like our Savior," I said.
"Look, it's more symbolic for us than them, plus you have to write, "a new era of cleansing has begun, Beware of the Paladin," in Latin. A dead language but never a more fearsome one," she finished with an eerie laugh.
"Sorry no offence but are you insane," I asked.
"Oh, yes very much so," she said laughing, "But anyway get out there and get busy, there is a suit in the basement, put it on, and get a can of black spray paint and do what has to be done."
With that she walked off, and I found the container she was talking about. Inside it was a spandex suit that looked like it was at least thirty years old. I put it on and it fit like a glove. I felt I looked like such a dork but it is what I was told to wear. I just hoped it wasn't permanent. Then I left it under my street clothes. I went to a corner hardware store got some wood, nails, hammer and black spray paint. I loaded it all in my car, and headed down to 54 and Main. I found the building I was looking for, it was condemned after the last fire burned it down yet again. I parked my car and got out.
I started searching for the guy I was to kill. I found him in a corner injecting his self with some sort of illegal drug. I suck up on him and cracked him hard over the head, and hit him again for good measure. I tied him down to the boards in the form of a cross. After I was sure he was firmly in place I woke him up.
"W...what the fuck," he said.
"Hello, you are Thomas Jiltson right," I asked in a deep voice.
"No, I'm not," he said.
"Oh I forgot to mention we're playing a game, you lie to me a nail goes through each paw, tell the truth and no pain," I explained in the same gruff voice, "next question, have you committed murder?"
"No, I'm no killer," he said panicked.
"Strike one," I got up and went above his left arm and place a nail right over his paw and brought the hammer down hard on his hand.
"Holy fuck, what is your damn problem," he yelled.
"Scum like you. Next question did you take the lords name in vain on more than ten hundred thousand times in anger," I asked gruffly.
"No, I would never do that," he said sarcastically-+.
"Sarcasm counts as an answer, and it's a lie," I said moving to the next paw.
I asked him three more questions and he lied on all three counts. In the end I put him up on the northern wall. I left, my mission complete. I then saw Raven again I swear she was stalking me. She matched my pace and kept following me. I didn't really say anything to her but it didn't matter, she kept up with me.
She broke the silence first, "I know how tough that was for you."
"Look I just want to be left alone, it's not you I've just had a hell of a lot on my plate recently and this whole thing of talking to a girl who's over two millennia old is more than a little weird," I said speeding up the pace.
"You know I'm probably one of the only people who know what you are going through," she said.
"I could care less right now," I said speeding off around the corner and into my car.
I drove off leaving her standing on the corner. I turned on the radio and "Wanted Dead or Alive", was playing on the radio. This song always gets to me, it was an old ass song but it was a good song. I have two millennia to start listening to new music. I would never find true love though, even with two millennia there's supposed to be just one girl for me.