
Aiedail's black fingertips had come from the time he had reversed a black hole, the backlash scarring his hands and knocking him unconscious. his black tail and hair tips had come from his involvement in the chaos wars. aiedail caressed song's ears.

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Stay Away by RDC

It's turned into a spiraling black hole... that sucks the life out of you... why did you do this? what went wrong...? and now you're threatening me to pay for what i have done... what have i done...? you sick endless entity....

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Crisis Chroinicals

The floor under their feet was gone and muxlix and damien were flown into the black hole. the black hole started to get smaller and smaller until it was almost gone. it felt to both muxlix and damien that they were being pressed in all over.

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The Start...

hole, and having no other choice got into this hole, but it seems incredible for a time after the fall, it seems that stopped but do not feel the floor to hear ...

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Guardians Lore: FTL Systems

Jumping requires coordinates for the ship to exit at point b and without proper mapping of the system or a buoy relaying coordinates to a ship, they could accidently jump right into a star, a black hole, or collide with other ships or a planet therefore, when

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Tactical Alliance of Intergalactic Life

Star huli is one of the many stars buried deep in a cluster of black holes that keeps them invisible to most of the galaxy.

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The Helix Ion Part 5

He was a black hole and he had accepted it. any life he had had before that office, anything or anybody he had mentioned was just there. in his memories, without arousal, neutral, bland. there was no emotion from the aspects of his life.

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Chapter 3: The Undelivered Message

"you may have light, but gravity is also a form of darkness, more specifically, a black hole." "you're mistaken, xiciro. a black hole can absorb even light.

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Huge Invisible

The milky suck - the center of our galaxy contains a super-massive black hole, so monstrously powerful, it is theoriesed that it may eventually claim the entire milky way. if this were to finally happen, it would do so steadily over trillions of years.


Isolation-Excerpt 33- A Chat

"it has a black, scarred surface", sarah said, "a product of clashing and winning against countless black holes. it has a liquid uranium interior, corrosive enough to dissolve most anything.

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Credits Roll, Post Game (PMD: WNA #1)

Turns out that ripping holes in spacetime and almost creating black holes in the core of the planet has disastrous effects on the entire world.

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A slight change in plans (3)

Aperently the radio signals reached just before we arived (black hole engins are extremely fast, just a bit faster than the speed of sound) and when we borded the furs that transformed on the station were in a scramble to pack their belongings and board, even

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