Dragon Age: Furry- Chapter 1: Chances of Luck
Rowan, the younger otter, nods and hops off the cart to walk beside it. as he does this, they come up to the gate.
Siblings Fight and Siblings Play
Should i just make him younger... or also devolve him?" nelly giggled as he made his plan. just a younger age would do for now.
Primrose Valley: Who Needs Babysitters
Since the potion was designed to keep someone evolved when they got younger deven's noivern features didn't disappear as he got younger. though his tail was a little bit shorter and wings not quite as wide.
Uncontrolled Affection
Max placed his paw on the younger boys shoulder before leaning in and gently kissing him on the cheek. cato hesitated for a moment, not exactly expecting this action.
The Rite of Development
His stomach grumbled angrily at him while he thought about the different trials what they meant and tried to understand why he liked being younger. that was the weirdest part.
Eternal bond Chapter 4 (Old)
This was a younger amura. i must be dreaming her dream i thought, and i absently wondered if she had saw my dream too.
Inside>Out! Ch4 A New Start Pt2
Meanwhile the nameless younger had drawn a curved knife with a hole in the flat of the blade. deftly he moved between his enemies, defeating three in an effortless and fuid motion combining weapon and body. "let's go shinta.
Tahikida, Chapter 2
" no, love, just trying to give the little one hear a pep talk" replies ramon, they always treated tahikida like a younger brother ever since they were kids themselves.
I'm one minute younger than my twin and 18 years younger than my oldest sibling. i'm 17 years younger than my second oldest sibling. but they're off and away with their own lives, so they're more like cousins to me.
So, I\\\'m Just Walking Along...
Or he could just be escorting his younger sister and her friends somewhere. i come to this conclusion as i note how much younger the girls seem then him, and that one of the girls is indeed a doberman.
Story of my life
I live with my mother, younger sister, two younger brothers, and my grandmother in my great aunt and great step uncle's house along with the conjoined number of thirty dogs... yes, i know, thirty.
Broken Crown
The elders should serve younger generations with their knowledge and experience gained during the long years of life. while the younger should support their elders with their power of youth."