The Siblings of Chaos: Prologue
Rarity trotted over to a large vanity against the wall and picked up a brush with her magic. after a few strokes through her mane, she turned back to twilight. "all right, i'm ready. let's go." twilight and rarity trotted off towards the center of town.
Adipose City: The Breakfast Food Affair
But it was the rear bumper that chilled jockey's blood, boasting a vanity plate that read "lethal bulk" and a bumper sticker that said "i \<3 aristo."
Grentail Manor Chapter 3
The only reason i know of for mortals to choose crystal casting is for vanity's sake." susila was about to form a rebuttal, but could think of none after aaron's last comment. "you're not opting for crystal casting out of vanity, are you susila?"
Valhen's Test
"well well, vanity in one form leads to vanity in another, i'm certain you shall find familiarity in your new role more than you expect."
One of a kind: chapter 6
The plethora of mannerisms and cues of a savvy and avant garde life that currently surrounds them brought about an air of immature vanity. the two smiled, knowing they were infact a part of such a life, even if it lasted temporarily.
By now the fluff had covered his hand, and was migrating toward his elbow, he looks up into the vanity mirror and sees that his black hair has also turned white, and was starting to grow where it hadn't before, moving down his head.
The Beginning Of Xrohne Chapter #2
This is a story, not a vanity piece, and should not be treated as such, please read this with an open mind and if you feel up to it, please comment, rate, and watch this series. without further ado. **chapter 2** "not necessarily.
Kaotic beginnings - A Kaos Army story - Chapter 9
He was glad rave couldn't see him, he'd no doubt have some insults to throw about his vanity or his stomach. maybe both. this was it now, there was no going back, no wimping out.
Born Of Chaos Ch. 6
As she looked towards her vanity, she noticed another message on her mirror. she read it, and another smile, one of perverse pleasure, took its place on her visage. _continue with the act, we don't want to arouse any suspicion.
What it Means to be a Furry!?
Like most, people who have seen the furry csi episode, the mtv sex2k furry special, or that horribly written article in vanity fair magazine, i was a little nervous and cautious about the whole thing. would i be accepted into the subculture?
A Still-Beating Heart
And while it was true that he had been indulging himself in vanity, it was good that he did. felt different. and that thought made him realize where the need for change led to. a turn in a manner he did not want to hear.
Homecoming (Chapter 1)
A zip, a little moan of relief, a splash, and a hiss, freddie found himself stood before the bathroom vanity unit; even washing his hands seemed to bring back memories.