Inferno High - Chapter 22

She understands teenagers' social tendencies, and lets a lot of things slide that wouldn't even begin to be okay in normal society. like beating the crap out of tanner. she got that, and actually said he deserved it.

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Inferno High - Chapter 21

Back at the dorm, everything was normal. Until Alex broke down into tears in my arms and started crying. Ted came over and sat down on the couch next to us, trying to help me comfort Alex. Nothing bad had happened recently, and it seemed as if things...

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Inferno High - Chapter 20

So, one of the cool things about going to a boarding school is that the field trips are just straight up better. In astronomy we all went on this two hour bus ride to some space ship hanger. Where as everyone else found it boring and a waste of time,...

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Inferno High - Chapter 16

Me and Alex? Not happening. Me and Ted? Not happening. Me and anyone else? Not happening. I don't care because I do care. I don't know who I care for, because I care for all of them. They're the only people I would truly say I love, but each and every...

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Inferno High - Chapter 15

Prepare to enter my mind. In a few moments, you will experience a sensation so vivid and horrendous it could make you sick to the stomach and warp your emotions so badly that you could cry. That is, if you understand me at all. The repetitive banging...

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Inferno High - Chapter 14

#14 of inferno high in a monotone voice prepare yourself for the dark of the teenager's mind. maybe you'll enjoy, maybe you won't. either way you could leave feedback, and either way you could remember how awesome you are. "i fricking hate you."

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Inferno High - Chapter 13

I felt the cold autumn breeze through my fur, and saw the sky blacken over head. It was late November, and we were all heading towards the cafeteria for dinner. Alex had sort of shut up since Halloween, but most of us hadn't really noticed, and we...

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Inferno High - Chapter 12

Boarding school has been pretty good for me. Or, at least I think it has, because people haven't been bothering me too badly about my pentagram condition. Yes, "condition". I have completely given up hiding them altogether since they're already too...

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Inferno High - Chapter 10

There's a certain wonder to waking up in your boyfriend's arms, feeling his soft breath on your neck, his strong, fuzzy arms wrapped around you, and his tons of sleeping bags and pillows cradling you like a child. Seriously, thousands of sleeping bags...

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Inferno High - Chapter 11

It was almost nine o' clock, and we were bolting it to our first classes. Okay, so maybe choosing a class on the third floor of the art building- wait, dafuq? "Dude, where are you going?" Me and Alex stopped as Ted kept racing by us. He stopped and...

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Good Enough/Crossroads Chapter 6.5

Good Enough--Crossroads--Chapter 6.5 Eating dinner at the Denton Family home on Sunday evening was far more casual than Chance figured it would be. They had arrived about an hour after church service had ended and--as per Vivian's instruction--had...

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Entry 33

Dear Diary, So, it's been a month since my last entry, but there is a reason for this, even if it's a weird one. I'll be doing entries over the next couple days recounting a camping trip we took, though I really hate calling it that since we were...

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