Alpha and Omega: The Outlanders Chapter 6
The sound was low and subtle then, like vibrations. then the song dropped and august began singing.
The Warrior's Dove Ch:11
A wind howled, strong and powerful the sound was reminding me of a cold autumn's night. it was an unnatural sound, the wolf's howl throughout the night.
Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 4: Chapter 31
Shimmers held up his hand and created a sound pulse. "first, we need to get you to create a larger sound pulse, one you can use as a weapon."
Coffee Time!
Nothing, but a lot of raining, but now its sound was making him all sleepy. cracking sound was made. his fur fluttered for a little bit and his body shivered out of coldness, as he started to hear raining sounds much more clearly than before.
Mired in the Bog.... (GRIM ENDING)
He could only hear the sounds of the thick mud as it made a squelch sound the more he moved, and the sounds of the bugs buzzing and the frogs croaking.
Making Tracks (edited version)
Then the one that cried out raised something that made an unnatural snapping sound and a bright flash of light. i turned and bolted, running from another snapping sound as the whole group of them started whooping and hollering.
The Echoes
The sound is good. the sound is wonderful. i was lost in the crowd, mesmerized. my ears were packed to overflowing, and i loved every minute of it, and i became hypnotized by the sounds of this world.
DEFCON - And so it begins
All background sounds had faded now, and the only sounds that remained were my beating hard, and labored breathing. the tunnel closed, and the ominous sounds of bodily functions was replaced by peaceful silence.
Destiny Intertwined, Magic, combat and friendship
The sound came again, followed by the ominous sound of boots on hard stone. they remained motionless as the sounds intensified. then, a faint light flickered into existence down the tunnel. the sounds came even nearer.
Flying Free - Chapter 2
I turned my head towards the sound, eyes and ears watching and listening for any hint of the sound that i heard. there. i heard it again. slowly, i moved towards the sound, my pack lay forgotten by the stream.
Ander - Chapter 2, Subchapter 36
Those sounds were coming from somewhere up ahead, deeper in the woods. they were the sounds of a creature in pain; cries of pure agony. even more terrifying, they sounded familiar...
A Soldiers Story 2 - Measure of a Man
Then a new sound filled the air around them.......the sounds of an alarm horn going off, a steady sound screaming of an enemy counter attack attempting to regain control of the city from their enemies.