Remember Me 4 - Beneath Emerald Steel

._ **_- motor-soma capacitor, normal_** _he felt the cold steel underneath._ **_- occipital oscillator, normal_** _he saw darkness still, a different darkness to that before._ **_- temporal tri-cortex, normal_** _a voice spoke out that he did not recognise

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Remember Me 9 - In Memory of Darkness

._ **_- motor-soma capacitor, normal_** _he felt the cold steel underneath._ **_- occipital oscillator, normal_** _he saw darkness still, a different darkness to that before._ **_- temporal tri-cortex, normal_** _a voice spoke out that he did not recognise

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Remember Me 10 - Beyond Dreams of Crimson Flame

. **_- motor-soma capacitor, normal_** he felt the warm steel against his back. **_- occipital oscillator, normal_** the darkness became brighter around him. **_- temporal tri-cortex, normal_** a voice spoke out that he faintly recognised. **_- digicampal

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