Night thoughts - 18. - because why not

Pleaded to take my shadows hand, & walk about the days with no light enjoying the times since past, walking clear with eyes closed, somehow seeing with no sight, & still knowing wrong from right it whispers echoes of things not said, & never shares

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Watercourse Way

She is far more sensitive than i am, but i share with her a milder version of her gift. we find comfort with each other, sharing our fur sometimes, just to take moments of quiet with someone who can sense these things."

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Rooibos and Reflection

It's also_ community, _not in the socio-political sense of communism, but in the sense of_ communing, _of sharing intimate thoughts or feelings.

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Night thoughts - 21. - because why not

We speak when we can, & find ways to share everything, & how we feel we're truly alive...

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Hitchhike Talks | by KitsuneJey

Names and details will be forgotten by us, but shared highlights are going to remain._ _excuse me, stranger. may i have a ride?

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College Life; Part One


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Two Are One

Let's share our love, our joy and our sorrow. as we face the future and the new tomorrow.

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Under the rain

His own problems were still here but how could he shares them really with them ? he tried to share his troubles with them, to find support with them. but the gap between them just grew as he did. he was not one of them.

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Life by Wolfie. <3 (Me)

We all got something superior to share, why not share it? life is hard, we all go through it; some people are out of the game, living delighted and free somewhere around us.

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Life by Wolfie. <3 (Me)

We all got something superior to share, why not share it? life is hard, we all go through it; some people are out of the game, living delighted and free somewhere around us.

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Life by Wolfie. <3 (Me)

We all got something superior to share, why not share it? life is hard, we all go through it; some people are out of the game, living delighted and free somewhere around us.

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What the heart once owned - Ch 1 - On the other side

You'll only share what you'd like to share. don't feel pressured into sharing things you'd rather not. we're all here to help and support each other. no one will judge you for what you're willing or unwilling to share."

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