MoonDust, Chapter 9

"our ancestors were nothing but lab rats a hundred years ago, and kept tightly segregated even afterwards. how much human culture really made it into ours?" "it had to come from somewhere," she countered.

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A.N.Thrope Uni - Chapter 1

It was only due to a good amount of favors that he was able to grab a job at a.n.thrope university, one of the few non-segregated universities in the country.

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Rabbits Don't Tell

The city wasn't segregated by design, but most furs tended to stick with their own kind. foxes stayed uptown and usually drove themselves around, while the wolves kept to the suburbs.


Pathfinder: Chap 1 (Remake)

In many other cities, humans and anthros were either feuding or even completely segregated from each other. many cities had humans or anthros banished altogether.

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Guide to the World of Alliera

Driven by science and culture the fehalis kingdom prospered and grew, the only attempt to expand was to the southern continent, and after the brief war it caused the fehalis kingdom stayed segregated off, stagnant in its growth.

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I Applied for a Delivery Job and Got Turned Into a Flying Reindeer?! Chapter Fifteen

Not only was the mess hall more crowded than usual, but it seemed oddly segregated as well. while the various units normally had nothing against intermingling, today each jacket color was firmly relegated to its own section of the cafeteria.

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Fox Family 4: The Rebellion Begins

Now as unbelievable as some students sharing there careers was it still left with animal segregation in the way. dogs still sat with dogs. and same went for every other animal. andrea was having the same exact problem.

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Coffe and Free-Fall

#8 of original stories emily was born and raised on mars, in the terran commonwealth, where on paper morphs and humans are equals, but in reality society is highly segregated.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 90

* * * what was the name given to the series of laws enacted between 1876 and 1965 that legalized the segregation of schools and other public places? a. jim crow laws b. jon crow laws c. joseph mccarthy laws d.

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Innovation - 4 + 5, Blazing Fire and Indefinitive

Entire portions of cities segregated by race rather than by class or occupation. we're split, and it's not directly visible, but we are, and it's there, and it won't ever heal. i honor you, don. i really do."_ "why?"

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One and the Same - Chapter 3: Suspicions and Threats

The country consists of five main provinces, each segregated by its dominant climate. there were lush forests, freezing tundra, harsh deserts and even some marshland dotted the landscape.

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The Romance of War Ch. 1: No Peace

The new world became a complicated place, segregation and unification. and war and strife. the war never came to an end. with small lulls in fighting, small periods of peace, and new rises of ideologies and sciences...

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