The First Rain

In this storm, it was hard to see who was who, the only distinctive feature of the three was their different colored tunics of bright purple, scarlet red, and ice blue for artashir, hassin, and ashrif respectively, as well as their weapons of a blunted

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Phoenix - Chapter 1 - Falling Tears

Daron leans down so he is only half a head taller than the scarlet furred fox boy, and robert can't help but notice another tear in one of daron's baby blue eyes as he holds robert closer to his chest.

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The scarlet substance drenched his face. he didn't want to believe he did this. erik doesn't even know how this happened. screaming his wife's name again, the rabbit man hugged her tighter.

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Prayer and Demon 16 - The King

She could almost see the individual flecks of scarlet as they peeled away from him, revealing raw, pink flesh underneath.

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Wonderland In Red:Scarlet Dress

But what amazed me most is that your stunning scarlet dress didn't singe at all." sai looked down in shock. her favorite white dress was now a blazing scarlet.

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WOLVES MIST - Chapter 1

The elder turned away, tears staining the scarlet robe as they dripped freely from his chin.

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A visit and its memories I

Life returned to at least his arm as it reached up and grabbed at his own medallion, a scarlet stone sitting between three circling dragons. seeing this, the woman continued her soft smile, the corner of her mouth lifting just slightly.

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A Spirit on the Rise - Episode 4

Spirit cracked his knuckles before pointing at scarlet and grinning heroically back. "hah! when this is done, they'll be calling you mr prison orange!"

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Dazled in her reflection her eyes a scarlet hue choral of echoes whisper like hungry ghosts heaven weeps above no longer a gateway tears stream her face innocents no longer bliss renoucement of the weft and the weave silent and repentant


Library Lockdown

Max opened the door to the restrooms for yure to run on inside but just as he made it to the was already too late...yure's ego drizzled away into his diaper....yure began to blush scarlet as he looked away at max with his eyes closed.

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Ragnarok - XII

As the clouds at dawn, opaque as heavy mountains, check the sun to stretch the morning out into the day and keep the young dew-freshness until noon, so did the scarlet torches spread sunset past sunset.

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Two pools of silver storms find my scarlet cheeks. .bumbum.bumbum.bumbum.

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