Emancipation: Part 1

scam or not, he wanted to dig a little deeper. just out of curiosity. "alright," he said, still telling himself he didn't believe a word of it. "show me these 'slaves' again".

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Windchaser - Dawn of a New Day

Tanya interjected "glad i didn't, but anyway, the traders were all nice and friendly...and from what i gathered i didn't get scammed or miss sold anything." cosmo added, still smiling.

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Sapphire Transition Chapter 3

Fights happen, scams happen, people can protect themselves. deadly intent, assassination, we stop. we also build."

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True Colors

I still think you're a scam artist, but this is no time for that. i have two bodies on my hands and no witnesses, nothing paranormal, just a psychopath." steel took a deep breath, "i doubt it's as simple as that.

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Black Magic - Chapter One: Sometimes I Hate This City

He was wearing two different shoes and had beer on his breath, but the real giveaway, the real deal breaker, was the fact that the bum was doing this little scam of his right out in front of a liquor store.

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Snake Charm

Which led to her inadvertently scamming many people with a game they proposed. blindfolded, she would sit at the bar and be given a drink.

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Fairy Godmother

But whatever scam was trying to be pulled it was certainly different. and despite the fact she should have known better. the three tailed pink fox slowly moved her mouse over and clicked the ad.

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Amber Silverblood: Rogue Wolf, Chapter Thirty Seven

I looked back at the scam artist, who didn't even seem to notice that he was getting drenched. he just watched us go with the wide, helpless eyes of someone who had just been airdropped into their worst nightmare.

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Carbon C's story

Anyways, here's the money i collected from my... er, the usual scams. you know." he handed the money pouch to ark, not explaining it any more than that.

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Aspiring Authors Toll Road to Publication

All of this was noted by timothy laquintano wrote in his article "the legacy of the vanity press" that "although some vanity publishers have served authors with niche audiences, others ran such notorious scams that they helped stigmatize the business of author-subsidized

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Last Chance Romance

A person couldn't stay on the streets so long, and no type of scam would leave one homeless for so long. she had to do something, even if it would only benefit her for today.

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