Freddy responded, with a small smile.
"i don't mean to sound like an ass-..." he paused and corrected himself, "a jerk...but why didn't you visit him while he was in the hospital?"
AU, Angst, Bear, Bunny, Chicken, Fanfiction, Five nights at freddy's, Fnaf, Fox, Friendship, Gay, Highschool, M/M, Pirate, Toy Bonnie, Toy Chica, Toy Freddy, Violence
"just trust me," kardonyth responded.
without any sort of strategy, acorech continued to focus on uldric while calic went for uldren, and alakin went for uldor.
Action, Chapter, Dragon, Dragonslayers, Drama, Episode, Fantasy, Guardian, Romance, Six, chronicles
He asked, i responded "yeah it's going pretty good" i saw with a small grin, i then asked him "so, i see you changed a lot since we last met what happened, why don't you respond me on full moons?
Transformation, Werewolf, chase
The little wolf didn't know how to respond with his vulpine teacher hugging him.
"m- mr. kang?"
"i just thought you needed a hug to calm you down, you are pretty upset" he responded, letting go. mike blushed "t-thanks."
Fox, Video Games, Wolf
"that... that makes some sense," she eventually responded.
"it should," the voice mumbled. "i would know."
she sighed. "i... i just wish it made me feel less guilty."
"i don't know if it can," the voice responded.
Bittersweet, Character Development, Clean, Existential, Forest, Innocence, Moon, Night, Psychological, Short, Short Story, Third Person, Tree
How was the shoping spree otterboy and scailybutt, i responded with, oh just shut up and help us put in this new bulb, it weighs like sixty pounds, i was responded to with, nine, ich shpreca nickt englisch, with a laugh of course.
Dragon, Green Anole, Heavy lifting, Otter
I responded back, silencing the conversation for a short bit while we all turned our attention towards what was surrounding us. converybelts were to our sides. a pair of them, i believed.
Comedy, Folk, Forest, Wolf, funny, slapstick