The found footage

I want to run away but i'm this close to exposing something that has never been recorded before" the camera zoomed at the window where a humanoid wolf with yellow eyes and silver fur stared out from the window.

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White Pages

I have an old record player." alice sprawled cross the bed laughing, "do you mean franz? i'd love to." jane set up her record player and played the disc. they listened to the bad quality of the record, "there's something wrong with your record player.

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Shadow of Loyalty Chapter 4

But the biggest thing i found is that a year ago, they really slammed their records shut. they barely put anything into their records about that time. as for misty freeze herself, she is a smart mare.

The Cat's Stroll 03

As for the seven deep hells frozen record, kyu cao knew it was a pure ice cultivation method. it was written down in the circulation method's explanation. the frozen record was without doubt an extraordinary method, but such a heaven-defying thing...

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Patricia's Potion Shop: 10th Customer (Dog TF/TG)

"right then, i own the record store right next to you. been there for years." "i've never heard of it. i don't get out much." patricia said with a shrug. "put congrats on the records! i'm sure the accomplishments are good ones!"

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September 03, 2017 Day 03

Roder managed to set it so that it'll record until around 6 in the morning.

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The Tail Clock

"you were recording me?" it was as if he was broken to all his talents, his body deflating slowly as if he was without bones or any of his practiced, self-assured comportments.

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2:13 A Vixen's Ultimatum

"checked out some of the tax records from that period. they stopped allocating funds for waverly, and yet patients had waverly still listed as an institution they had therapy at well after it was closed.

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Clive brought the tape recorder back to his mouth and said, "i don't get it. why isn't he reacting? what do you think, sherman?" he extended the tape recorder over to sherman's beak and waited for the falcon to answer.

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Cry Me a Murder (part eight): Mother Knows Beast

Whoever hung the handkerchief on the camera knew the cctv would record the murder. but maybe recording the kill was the whole point of using the kitchen. i opened the camera and took out the memory card.

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"check the records. how many children of the firsts are alive? start with those born in the near future or past." the chief librarian didn't need long to check the records. she handed three sheets to the seer then turned to jon. "go to the writers.

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