My Little Delirium - Chapter 3
Applejack could see rarity barely suppressing a smile, while twilight facehoofed again.
An angel with hoofs
It was nightime and fluttershy was wide awake after a great rest"...o look amazeing luthor" fluttershy said blushing, she flyed around him, rarity came carrying a dress" here sweety i made this while you were asleep" rarity said useing her magic
A Mad Dash Through Time and Space - Chapter One
Pinkie pie winced and turned her head in time to see rarity trotting up to her.
Wrong Kind of Marks
rarity stood to her side, levitating the hairbrush inches away from sweetie's flesh.
Nightmare, Nightmare Chapter 6
rarity nodded, beginning to look over her shoulder. "why, yes. nyx and i?" rarity froze. nyx had been just behind her, clinging close after what had happened. but now, she was gone.
Stars in the twilight
I even heard rarity somehow had a child. a miracle. though it was as astonishing as when fluttershy had hers. there were five. rarity had the child the day that i prayed to always be remembered by her, and to always remember her with something.
Prelude to Madness
No, rarity. you must not lose faith in your princess.
Rise to the Challenge
I could only hope rarity was in town. as soon as i got there, i pushed the door open to find rarity looking over a clipboard.
Born For Loyalty Chapter 9
Next up is rarity, just as me and applejack are very similar me and rarity are so different. she's one of those high class kinds of ponies. everything has to be proper and refined and is a genius in dress making from what i have seen and heard.
Not I: Regicide / Demon's Glare
rarity spoke quietly in disbelief. "i don't think long life prevents murder rarity." applejack spoke in her normal drawl. "m-mmurder?" fluttershy questioned, meekly. "yes, fluttershy. murder." rainbow dropped the quieted tones they had been using.
Winter's Little Surprises (Ch.1)
What do you think of rarity... a-and apple jack? you know, seeing eachother?" you look at rainbow dash from the corner of your eye. she looks a little surprised. "well what do you mean? i kind saw it comin'."
MLP: Lunar's Return pt 4
The only one that seemed to be dumbfounded was rarity. "awesome, i mean i knew who you were but that you're the first knight it's so totally cool." rarity and twilight both looked at the cyan pegasus. "what?