Stars in the twilight

Story by Seventh Architect on SoFurry

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I will say now, I give only this fair warning to those who think less of me because of this.

For several months now, I've been trying to give out a story that is sad enough to make most cry. I can't really get to a good point in most of mine before accepting it as a failure to make it in this genre. But not just sad, wonderful. No hatred, happy sad. And thanks to a great person's small comic strip from deviantart, I finally have two stories. One as thanks, the other as my own.

Though it leaves a heavy lump in my throat, I would love to write it. Never cry, thats what I think. But it bites ya in the ass in the future. Does get to ya. And it comes pretty damn close to makin me do so as I write the story based off the comic.

And yeah, it is MLP. So stop flippin out that it is and read it. Even if you hate MLP.


<from Spike's Point of View>

Journal entry 1,253: The years started off great, sorta. Twilight is always so nice to me. In fact, I'm more than glad she hatched me from my egg. I don't know how to thank her. She's a good friend. Though, it got better once we moved to Ponyville. Lots of new friends there. The years began passing, discord banished for good to another dimension entirely, Princess Luna has found new ways to make the nights worth it, adding over seven hundred new constellations. It's been good.

Today was fun. But I can't stop thinking about what I am to do with my life. I am a total of twenty seven years old, putting Twilight at a good thirty two. Her kids run around like it's the best thing to do and we play together. Though, as a dragon, I age much slower. I've finally reached the age to start looking for a mate.

Though, I've finally accepted the fact that me and Rarity can't be together. Though the many dates were still worth it. Till she had to leave. Every one is going their separate ways or stayed here. Pinkie Pie is now the owner of that sweets shop, twilight manages the massive library that she herself had built. She even read all the books atleast three times.

Though, the others, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy all left. Rianbow Dash comes by every now and then, but still rarely. She spends her time doing what she does best in the new age wars. I even had a quarrel with her once. Didn't end well.

Now, the times are great. Me and Twilight go to that high mountain cliff every so often at night. Just to watch the stars like we did when we first moved to Ponyville. Pinkie Pie is as energetic as ever, Rainbow Dash has finally come home fromt eh war, gaining Equestria full three new continents of land. Fluttershy even came back. Though she isn't the same. Something was different. She spends much more time in the Everfree. She used to hate that place. Still, it's a good sign that she's starting to become braver.

Journal Entry 1,765: It's been quite a while since I last wrote in this. About seven years to be exact. I'm now half way grown to full size, my wings have grown with me, etc. But everything is so different. Now I'm at the age of fourty three, making twilight an older fourty eight.

When I think to the past, I remember the fun times we all had. I used to write letters to Celestia, Twilight always looked over me, the others were friendly. It was like the best thing to do for the next few years before everyone began departing different ways. The way we'd laugh and play around after a day's hard work. The way we had been such great friends playing around like the children we were. Sorta. They were more like adults in the view of ones eyes, duty wise, playing wise, etc. Now its just simple memories, what used to be a good life.

Not any more. Everyone of the ponies I knew are now growing old, as accustomed to their life span. Though I'm immortal in age, they are not. Twilight is now nearing the genearation of being a grandmother, and the same with all the others.

All except Rainbow dash. The wars had kicked up again. It was terrible.

Last night I felt happy...I hadn't been in years now. I fell asleep as I was cleaning up the mess in the entire library. It was amass with book houses made by children, papers that their parents had left, and so on. I had fallen asleep in a stack of papers that had ben left for some odd reason. It made a good enough bed though. And once she saw me, she must've known something. I was cold, and had awakened, but never opened my eyes. She put a blanket over me, which kept me warm.

I don't know what to do now. I think I'll visit her.

Journal Entry 1,766: ( a few tear stains every few words)

It...I...I don't even know what to really talk about. It was something that threw me out of happiness like I never belonged in a world with happiness. Today, twilight could not have been sicker than before. She had been sick for the past two weeks. Though, today, her chest barely expanded and contracted with each, slow, painful breath. I knew it was painful for her to just breathe as it was confirmed by the doctor there. Though, none of us knew the sickness, she did. Once told, I made a large pallet on the floor in her old library where she lived, the smaller one, the tree, home.

Twilight was old. That was her sickness. If she could live for about a few more years, she'd make it to bo a great grandmother. But the doctor said otherwise.

"Say your good byes tonight. She's too weak to make it through the night."

[exact words of Hellen, daughter of the original doctor]

I did. But I didn't leave her. I stayed till her chest stopped it's slow rise and fall, then teh tears came.

I had put a blanket on her earlier, to help her stay warm. She ahd accepted it with a smile, then weakly thanked me.

But teh tears never stopped, they still run now.

Journal Entry 2,002: I've finally accepted life as it is. I do not wish to find a mate currently, as my heart is still aching every day. All my friends have passed on. None remain, except for tehir children. I even heard Rarity somehow had a child. A miracle. Though it was as astonishing as when fluttershy had hers. There were five. Rarity had the child the day that I prayed to always be remembered by her, and to always remember her with something. Though I was not the father, she sent him to me to take care of. He got together with Rinbow Dash's daughter, Ultraviolet.

But as said before, I have no mroe family. Except Celestia, the one I had been sending Messages to for years except for the depression struck times. She had offered me the sanctuary and hospitality of the castle in the royal treasury, but I refused. I'm even eating gems again, but I don't need to be a greedy, giant dragon.

Though, I eat gems every day now, it takes away most of the pain, along with a strong alcohol that is only found in Fillydelphia. It's been imported by Celestia to the extent that in three weeks, it could fill the water tower. But she hasn't in a while. I've got enough to last me a full year. And with every day being depressing to me, filled with the agony of being a friendless dragon, I might just drink enough to kick the bucket. Then I'd be with my friends again...

Journal Entry 2,678: Impressively, I kicked the alcohol. Though depression still sets in every now and then. Mostly in episodes. The mood swings are frightening most of the time. And almost every one of those depressions is filled with boiling tears. But, I thought it was time to see an old friend...Tonight, I travel to that one spot where we used to hang out, have fun, and watch the stars. It doned on me when I saw the bright star that we saw every night. It brought me to tears, but tears of joy. I have found Twilight, she never left me. But I tried flying to her, I can't get that far up. So I've decide to write her a letter.

Spike shuts the journal, setting it on the bed that princess Celestia sleeps in, then started off. It was only a few steps from the balcony edge that Celestia had called his name.

"You finally finished it. I see. It was a good life you have had Spike. I fare thee well."

Spike turned and hung his head, staring at the floor.

"...I'd like to thank you Celestia. For everything. Especially for choosing me from the hundreds of eggs in the nursery."

"I chose you because of that reason, that you'd one day thank me. I saw how much love and care your heart had in it. You would not abandon Twilight like any other dragon would once he'd turn fifteen years old."

"I still thank you very much. It was good being a friend with you as well Celestia. I guess I'll see you later."

"May we meet again in our afterlife. Though, I'd see it happening soon with you."

Spike didn't speak.

He took to the balcony again as the sun began setting, looked on it once mroe, and took flight. It was a quick flight, as he wanted to land at the base of the mountain so he could travel up like old times. He took the small pack off his shoulder and fumbled around for the picture he had of Twilight and him, the old wrinkled folds and fading colors showed the exact picture of him and her when he was only ten years old. He was still the same half size of Twilight. They were holding each other, he remembered, as he had a nightmare. She huckled, but allowed him to sleep with her, and he crawled right beside her, laying on her pillow, resting he head on her neck. Pinkie Pie took this picture, as there was a party going on that they didn't know about. Just like Pinkie Pie.

Spike smiled and tears began flowing once more. With the picture in hand, he began up the mountain. He had the picture in his right, his left holding the bag on his shoulder. He picked up a stick he had used before to go up the mountain, and it's small size compared to him now, as well as it's age, it broke easily under his light grip. He smiled again then picked up the older one which lay next to it. He had hoped to make it up the mountain with the one he used when he was a child, but it would have to be done with teh younger one.

The trail winded around the mountain, and due to rock slides over the years, he had to climb some parts. Spike had walked over halfway up the mountain, passing by a large sum of gems scattered across the ground before him. He looked at one, it looked exactly like one of the diamonds on Rarity's flank. His tears began flowing faster and he continued on. The dragon which had rested int eh cave raised it's head and looked at the purple and green dragon, and feeling his sorrow from over the years, could not feel angry at him for traveling into it's territory, but only feel sad for him.

Spike traveled to teh spot where him and Twilight had last spent time together before that sad night years ago. Spike was fully grown now, measuring a ful eight feet tall. He looked at the star in front of him and saw every one of his friends there, all surrounding it and Twilight int he center. She brought them all together as best friends. All of the spaces around her were filled except one.

"Room for one more?", Spike managed between sniffels.

He opened the sack and took out a quill and paper, setting the ink aside. He dipped the quill and began writing on the paper.

Dear Twilight,

_ It's been a while. I've been so lonely. I don't think that I'll be over that fact that all my best friends are gone, any time soon. I still do have a few episodes, sometimes depression kicks in. Rarity's son had gotten married, had children, he even had grand children last time I visited. I don't know how long ago that was. I don't even know how old I am. Lost track a long time ago. Celestia says that I look not a day over two hundred, but I don't keep track at all. Without you all here, I don't think I ever could. I've decided that I can't live where it hurts the most, So I'm moving to teh Everfree. There, I'll be able to live a life the way a dragon should. And, even though it makes me sound like I'm insane, I do hope that I can join you soon, ended by one of Flutter's old friends. Heh, heck. I wouldn't mind if I found one of Zecora's old poisons...I'm sure of it. The pain is too unbarable. Every day is worse than the last. I lied. I lied about the episodes, the mood swings. Every day has been hell for me, I don't think that I'd ever be able to pass this up._

_ I've made up my mind. I've been here far too long. I, if I can trust on Celestia's counting skills, I am of three hunred and forty seven years old. Remember the old place where we used go to see that bright star every night? Yeah, it's baren. The grass died off long ago, replaced with stone. I think that I'll hunt for Zecora's shack while I'm in the Everfree. It's been lost though, no one can find it. I miss you so much. I miss you more than I miss everyone else. I miss you more than anything I ever missed..._

_ I'll be there in a few days,_

_ _

_ Best bud, Spike._

Spike let the ink dry for a few seconds, then held it close, finally throwing it to the wind where it was carried off up and towards the star. Spike shed one last tear then set off, heading for the Everfree.

I am left nearly in tears now. I could not think of any other thing to put. I might make another story on this, but...Nah, not up to it. Time to drop the sadness. It hurts.