First meeting

Ok lick my paw! what? never! do lick my paw! growl nickita and increased pressure, and the commander felt him crush under a massive paw, never! nikita raised her paw and stomp the commander.

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Baxley and The Black Paw Chapter 1

#1 of baxley and the black paw baxley's adventures with the black paw chapter: 1 chicago, illinois baxley ducked within his crater from the gunfire of the enemy.

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Adept Paws 8: Of King and Corgi

#10 of adept paws adept paws 8 - the origin of corgis by tempe o'kun the truth comes out about the adepts' being at alaster's citadel. ----------------------------------------- rea wiggled her fingers deeper into the grip of jax's paw.

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Adept Paws 7: Familiar Faces

#9 of adept paws adept paws 7: familiar faces by tempe o'kun the rescue party confronts the kidnappers, but it's not who they thought! ----------------------------------------- rea scoffed.

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For Your Paws Only - Chapter 3

While they talked, conrad spat the soft gum out into his paw and put the key for the mate's cabin on it. then he squeezed his paw tight for a few seconds before peeling the gum off the key and putting each in a sperate pocket.

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For Your Paws Only - Chapter 1

"we'll go over the paw-to-paw combat you have already learned and add a few techniques that will bring down an opponent quickly and quietly." the big canine informed him.

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The explorer with dazzling paws (commission for Director14)

It was then when you noticed that most of the carvings in the walls were actually paw prints of some kind. feline paw prints, canine paw prints. even bird prints, here and there, even though you weren't sure if those could be considered "paws".

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Waking up with Noma

Characters: nomaxice © me roy © dracodareroy's upload cw: implied vore predscape m*cro paws roy grumbled, he wasn't a morning person by any stretch, but today felt harsher than usual, his head hurt, feeling a deep pounding resonating in his skull.

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Paying Rent

Adrian finally fell back from the paw, seeing his work to be done.

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The Perfectly Average Boy

paws are for walking on, not grabbing or holding things unless really necessary.

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Running i hit the ground running the pads of my paws scorched by friction no time to care no time to slow down i was late to begin with now the game is merely one of catching up when i'll stop is anyone's guess there are always more trails

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Body and Sole

You're my paw now for a while so get used to it." "your paw?!" you protest angrily as you try to get a better sense of your surroundings.

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