Heart of a God Chapter 2

On top of the books, he placed a notebook, which had a fine silver quill stuck in the bindings, this would be his notebook for the mission.

Nona: Chapter Two: Whispers in the Dark

She grabbed the coat and started to examine it, but a brown raggedy leather notebook fell out of the coat. katelyne's heart was starting to race it wasn't a dream. she quickly placed the notebook under her bed so no one would read it or find it.

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The Mute - Chapter 4.5: Clearing Things Up

"i'd like to know" he slowly reached for his notepad, pulling it out, finding an open page. his brow scrunched in concentration. he stopped writing and looked at me. he flipped the notepad into my view. his ears folded back and his cheeks bright red.

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First Prayers (Otherwise Untitled)

The notebook carefully wrapped in a prayer rug was tucked away right where she'd safely stowed it.

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Hedona Chapter 3 - The Voice that Sought Silence

With a sigh the reading man closed the worn-out notebook. the deer leaned over the bar, resting his heavy thinking globe on his hand, like a prized jewel on a pedestal.

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Midnight Chills

I had barely begun to jot down ideas in my notebook when the manager made things more complicated. he had the bright idea to form three lines. one for pre-orders, one for 360 and one for ps3.

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Wolf E. - Chapter 3

He pulled his spiral notebook out of his backpack and gingerly removed the torn out rap lyrics that had been crumpled the day before from its hiding place between the good pages in the notebook.

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03 - R&R

Her lips swirled the pencil over her notepad and blue marveled at the skill he had never bothered to learn. "anything else?" she asked as she slid the pencil back into her notepad. "no thanks," shade told her with a pleasant smile.

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3 : Obscured

Scilius sat adjacent to them, holding a notebook and pen in his lap, not for actual note taking, but instead just to blend with his two friends. while scilius had been thinking, he unconsciously wrote into his notepad.

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Corruption is Horror

He stated while writing in his little notepad, he took a quick glance around him. the grass around the house seemed to be rotting, "looks like they forgot to hire a gardener."

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Together - Soon + Liez

His fluffy purple and white tail is shaking from side to side like crazy but he's lost in the notebook he's holding. i wonder what he's thinking about.

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Kathrin's Specialty Outfitters: part 1

Clovis kept flicking through the notebook while finishing a mouthful before talking.

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