Together - Soon + Liez

Story by Lucrowse on SoFurry

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This isn't the greatest story I've ever worked on, but it's a cute story and the first two parts to something I hope will be a lot longer. It's based on the real life narrative of my first meeting with my boyfriend Faolan. A love story. I hope you enjoy it.

I. Soon


Waiting's never fun. Na, that's a lie. Waiting can be fun, especially if you know what you're waiting for something or someone that makes you happy... So I guess this is fun then? Is it? I'm sitting and twitching and my gut is trembling with the rest of me. Only an hour to wait and then I'll be happy.

It's Wednesday afternoon. I'm waiting for a flight to get in. It'll be here soon. An hour to be precise. I have my contacts in for once and as I stare above the car rental counter, my mind silently registers the fact that it's 2:30. Fao's flight will be here soon. Soon. Sooner? Now? No... And that's one of the worst things that you can ever do to someone like me. Give me time to think. It's probably one of my worst problems. Because ya see, if you give me time to myself, time to think that is. I really do just that. Think. And now? I'm thinking of exactly what to say and how to act. And most of all what expression I should have on when I first see him.

It really shouldn't be much of a decision. It's the first time I've met him in person. I should give him a smile, a hug, and then if it isn't awkward for the both of us, a kiss on the cheek or something like that. But ya know there's something wrong in thinking like this. There is the dreaded "WHAT IF" situations that always pops up. What if his flight is delayed? What if he doesn't like me in real life? What if he doesn't recognize me in real life?

And so I pull out my phone, flip it open and send him a text. He's on board his flight still and I think he turned his phone off, but maybe he'll get it soon? I hope so... [Me and Chesamo are waiting for you next to the car rentals. luv u and see you soon] That's all I need to say I hope. With any luck he'll find me and it'll all be good. But what if since he's never been to this airport he doesn't know where to go and ends up lost? Or his bag gets stolen or... or... or... or...

I stop myself there. I can't control everything. Na, I can barely control anything. The excess energy in my legs is pounding by this point, the pedometer at my waste is probably registering miles of untraveledness and I should probably stop before my heart gives out. Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe In. Breathe out.

There's no point in trying to talk to Chesamo, we're not really "friendly" and if anything after everything that's happened between us, I don't really know what to say if anything to him. If he's nervous or restless or any other noun that expresses this state of mind, he doesn't show it. And I leave him be. He's on his laptop, typing or reading, I can't really tell. I don't really care. I just know that my Fao is coming soon.

2:45. Another 45 minutes and his plane should land. Well ok 50 minutes the plane gets here at 3:35. I think? Groping though my bag I dig up his itinerary... Damn. It's actually 3:40. I had been wrong this whole time. Ok so 50 minutes then.

The noise of the crowds around me should be of interest to me. My ears might not be the most awesome in the world, but I like catching glimpses of people's lives. Listening to their snippets and then wondering what kind of person is saying them. Should of course isn't now. I press my paws to my ears, and rub gently. The warmth of the pawpads feels nice against them. I look around me. Furs everywhere, on their own ways. But I can't hear them. The sounds in this background are nothing to me but white noise. Sounds and such that probably have some meaning, but I don't really register them. I grope at my side and find my MP3 player. Turning it up a bit I hear things again. The music's not bad, the artist's a bit new but his mix of electronica is nice. Something to listen to when I need to calm down.

Another 10 minutes have passed. The hubbub around me hasn't changed. Chesamo has moved over to my side of the chairs. He politely gave up his seat to an elderly cat and her kittens. Nice of him to do so. I glance at his direction and register that he won't sit next to me. Well no, I wasn't expecting him to. "Look after my stuff." He says. I only hear the words 'my stuff' and as I look in his direction, he's already gone.

It'll be time soon. And I want to give a good impression. I pull out my notebook and my crimson colored gel pen. And do what I thought would help with the time. I wrote. And so as I scribbled down a story of some kind, I forced myself not to look at the clock. Character sketching. The stork that taught my fiction workshop class had called it as such. Taking an instance in time and scribbling a background for someone that didn't have one yet. There's a chubby retriever at the car rental place next to me. He has on a sky blue or is it aquamarine polo and some khakis. I silently stare in his direction, pondering through my mind things about him. 'Why's he here?' 'What kind of car does he want?' 'Why is his check in slip so wrinkled?' Its small things like this that keep me in sane. I glance up at the clock. Fuck me. 3:00. 40 minutes and Fao'll be here.

I sigh to myself and do the sketch, writing in the semi-illegible cursive that I've been so fond of since 4th grade. The fur is playing with his tail a bit. Well no not playing, his rugged paws are smoothing out the rough parts. If I had to venture a guess, he's seeing someone special too. He's at the front of the line now. He gazes at the lady behind the counter, smiles and hands her the slip. Her dainty gazelle hooves grasp the receipt and as she taps the keyboard, she steals a glance up at him. He smiles at her again. They're saying something, I can't hear it. He pulls out a driver's license or something like that and hands it to her.

I glance at the clock again. 3:20... Wow seriously? 20 minutes just watching these people? "Hey," a mild voice fires in my direction. I don't recognize him at first. To everyone else passing by, it's just an Akita Inu with a Red Squirrel, nothing special.

It would seem that his voice was what really pulled me out of my trance. It's Jit. That would explain why Chesamo left me. I didn't actually think his flight had come in yet, but as I stare at him, I suddenly feel awkward and pull my paw into an equally awkward wave. "Hey," I reply back. I don't wait for his response, and quickly bury myself back into my notebook.

Somewhere inside of me. I feel angered almost. They're too happy I think to myself. This whole ordeal that cost me Chesamo's friendship. It all revolves around this squirell. Well ok I'm pretty screwed up too, but my nature stops me from blaming myself first. It's always someone else's fault. I scribble a bit more, the words getting more and more fluid in nature until it's hard to distinguish letters. Sighing for a second, I realize that I haven't been looking for Fao. For all I know he's already here. I glance at the time again - 3:30 now. Maybe his flight got in early? I could hope for it.

II. Liez


The flight that I've been on for the past 3 hours has been in the air forever. The light popping of the air pressure changes hasn't really helped much with making this a more comfortable flight. But it'll be over soon. "This is captain speaking, we've just touched down and as the plane taxis into the gate, you can resume the use of electronic devices. Thank you and we hope you've had an enjoyable flight."

Enjoyable enough I guess. I've been flying since 5 this morning. Well at least the layover wasn't too bad. And if anything I can't really complain. Fen did his best to get me this flight. And booking the tickets 6 days before departure probably limited his choices.

My phone turns on with a beep and yep he's messaged me. By the car rental place? Where? I guess it's probably pretty obvious when I get there so, I leave it at that. I text him back to confirm that I've landed. I'm excited to finally see him. We'd been dating for almost 3 months now, and today is our first time meeting each other. He's probably casually waiting, DSi in hand or leisurely talking with Chesamo.

The people in front of me are leaving now. They're grabbing luggage and I follow suit. My tail is wrinkled from the long flight and I stand to stretch out the same cramp that's been building up in my legs. The briefcase in hand feels slightly out of place amongst the other travelers. They're all standing with their stuff hugging colorful purses and other normal carryon luggage. And here I am with a briefcase. Ah well they can judge as they want.

The arrival gate isn't too bad. There's lots of people waiting for this flight to take off again, and it smells of some type of cleaning product but I don't mind too much. A light beeping alerts me that I've got a new text message. [Can't wait to see you] I chuckle to myself and pull my other suitcase behind me. I know he's excited.

Down the escalator and past more people going both directions. As I get down the final set, I begin looking around. There's a big column of concrete in front of me, it separates one side of the car rentals from the other. Hm. There's something you don't see every day. A rhino in a saffron colored robe. His head a shiny dome, reflecting the fluorescent lights. Sitting on the blue chairs the monk is casually reading a pamphlet as if it were common place for religious figures like him to travel by plane.

Oh. And there behind him, is Fen. I notice his long hair long before anything else. It's pretty much his trademark, and as I've been wondering what it's like to be with him, the long bangs over his left eye and generalness of it keeps popping in mind. His fluffy purple and white tail is shaking from side to side like crazy but he's lost in the notebook he's holding. I wonder what he's thinking about. He obviously hasn't noticed me at all, or if he has he's doing a very good job of hiding his perception. Sitting there all busy like; pen in paw, he's scribbling away. I go around the column, walking slowly behind him.

The paw I place on his shoulder alerts him that it's me. I know it. There's a light chuckling sound, and then he looks up at me, "Heya love."

"Hey to you too." I respond. He's still a bit busy with his notebook. The scribbling comes to an abrupt halt and he packs it back into his bag. He put his paws together and then just looks at me. The seat next to him was taken up by luggage probably his. If it wasn't there I'd probably sit down. And so I go for the next closest seat, the one across from him. We sit there for a little while. Neither of us saying anything. He shakes his head slightly, the hair moving out of his eyes. I stare at him for a bit and giggle. Yep this is the handsome wolf I love.

"How was your flight?" He asks me. One paw scratching the back of the other.

"Long, but I'm here now." I reply.

"Good, let's get going; the hotel should be ready for us now."

"What about Chesamo and Allison?"

"Um." He points his paws to his right. There's a group of furries that I hadn't even acknowledged. We go through the motions of waving and polite hellos and realization of who we each are. Fen places his paw on mine and gently tugs. Allison isn't there yet, his plane will be here soon. Maybe an hour? Maybe sooner?

"We're taking a taxi. Chesamo said something about a shuttle or city bus or something, but I don't feel like waiting."

"Don't you want to wait for Allison?"

"Not really. They'll get all huggy and mushy. It's not really our place."

"Ok then, love."

Fen hails a cab for us and we're soon on the way. The zebra driving us is going on about the world cup. And I can tell that Fen is forcing the conversation as he doesn't want to seem unsociable. As they continue on about the teams and who the taxi driver is rooting for, I gaze outside at the dense forests and mountains. Back at home, I'm only used to seeing deserts and ocean. The hilly motion of the land here and its lush greens and browns are foreign to me. But not in a bad way. I like them. They're enjoyable to say the least. I poke Fen in the arm. He closes one eye and chuckles and then pokes me back. We go at it for a few minutes and then we're going into a deep tunnel. Fen and the cab driver are talking about the tunnel and how it's so deep we don't have a radio signal. I gaze outside at the passing lights. The faint oranges and other colors. What a nice pallete.

We're at the hotel. Fen pays the cab driver and then we walk up the steps to the hotel door. It's pleasant. Warm and the air is clean. The hotel is nice too. He checks us in and the lady at the front desk hands us each a small bundle wrapped in brown paper. A cookie. A warm chocolate chip cookie with some nuts mixed into it. I nibble at my cookie and Fen offers me his. I decline and wrap my tail into his. "Can I get a single king sized bed for my room?" The receptionist's head feathers flair up for a second as if in disbelief at his request. "Ah well then, 2 twins will be fine." He grabs our card keys and smiles at me again.

The elevator door opens on the 12th floor. We haven't really talked much since we got inside. He leads and I follow. The door 1209 is right in front of us. He pushes his card key in and the door's lock clicks. Two beds. A plush interior, warm dark colors and the shades are closed. He throws his stuff the closest bed, I set mine down next to his. "I missed you," says the wolf in front of me.

"I missed you too, hun." I reply. There's no more inhibitions at this point. We grip each other in a warm hug. His paws rounding my waist. I don't want to let go but he's walking backwards a little. Giggling at him for a bit, I figured out his intentions. We both fall onto the bed, enjoying the feel of the warm covers against us. I'm mildly uncomfortable from the trip but I'm here finally. We're here finally.

He pulls me into a kiss and then looks up at me for a moment. "I love you."

"I love you too, hun."

"I love you more."
