The Earthquake

They had seen greed and nobility, anger and contentment, and everything that would shape california for centuries to come- but they could not be legally married as anti-miscegenation laws had yet to be repealed in california.

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Rangertale, Ch.4: Uricht, Part I

#4 of rangertale rumelis and mels travel to the military town of uricht, seeking more shards of the blades of eulas to stop tull from getting them, but the nobility everywhere are protective of such things.

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Sheer Turmoil Utter Peace

.** ** with their return sherro and toshi set out on their journey, targeting not the armies but the nobility who controlled them.


Stolen Heart of Fire chapter 12

Some may want privileged, dull lives, but i don't want to waste away in a big castle filled with 'nobility'. i just had one of the most pleasant conversations in my entire life here.

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Servant of Darkness - Ch. 5: The Chase

Killing people only raised alarms and made the nobility more suspicious, making his job harder. _ **you messed up, that's what you did,** _ fumed the voice in dougal's mind. _ **never, ever, ever let your quarry see you.

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Leafblade - Chapter 2

His clothing was simple enough for traveling, a brown traveling tunic and a pair of blue breeches, but still had an air of nobility to the style.

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Revolt of 64

**The Revolt of 64 (EN)** The Nobles are dancing on the table - Jumping in and out of the action - While the Clergy laughs Beneath their long-range sighs, And the Third-Estate Is trampled underfoot. The King in his castle, Though relieved and...

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Bound In Beast Flesh -- Accursed Hunter

Maybe noticing your reluctance, or your vain grasps at chivalry and nobility, shanon takes you to an old, run-down house, on the outskirts of town--just outside the gates to the marketplace. "people avoid this place." she told you.

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The Dark Streets - Reboot Preview

A pair of shined oxfords completed the outfit, the man himself the very image of refined taste and carrying an air of immaculate nobility. "pardon, sir, but the guest has arrived a tad early. he is in the study."

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Hybrid: CH 2: Honor Bound

She had forgotten that the strong blood of nobility offered increased vision amongst other benefits. her dark black coloration, the same as nearly every other changeling, was perfect for stealth. her nearly blood red hair was a gift from her grandmother.

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On Seven Hills...

No one knows for certain whether or not was julius was as innocent a victim as the play makes him out to be- daniel himself had donned the purple toga of nobility and played the role in his village's italian-language presentations for years but not known for

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My Three Jewels: The Finding

These adept creatures were known for their nobility and became praised and worshiped for their purity. and the black dragons: a midnight shade coats the large plates that veil over the slender skeleton-esque bodies of these creatures.

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