Stolen Heart of Fire chapter 12

Story by FoxboyPrower on SoFurry

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#12 of Stolen Heart of Fire

Latest edition!

Cleanest editing!

Easier on the eyes!

All on the Google Docs version:

Rinaldo rummaged through a cabinet and pulled out some bread. Within a few moments of the bread being placed on the table, the floor was crawling with over a dozen mice. They came so fast that is was unclear where they had come from. Lilia looked around in shock but saw that neither Rinaldo nor Marco was acting worried so it must have been nothing to be frightened of. One of the mice scampered up the table and sat down right in front of her. Its fur was a strong violet color. The mouse looked up at her and said, "Hello ma'am."

Lilia's eyes grew wide in astonishment. She looked at Rinaldo and pointing at the mouse, said, "That oddly colored mouse just spoke to me."

Rinaldo replied, "I must have given that one some of my experimental throat medicine. Those mice are really handy to have around. I use them to test things I make. It often leads to unexpected results. So I wouldn't be that surprised if one sprouted wings and flew."

Lilia looked at the mouse again. "You're cute. Would you like something to eat?"

The mouse looked back at her and said, "Hello ma'am."

"Don't expect it to be that smart," said Rinaldo, "It just repeats things it hears like a parrot. It must have been listening when I was teaching Marco how to speak with proper manners about a month ago."

Lilia seemed slightly disappointed. "Oh. It was a silly question anyways. Of course it wants food."

"Silly question... Food," said the mouse in its little high pitched voice.

Rinaldo located the bread and pulled it out. He threw a few pieces on the floor and sat down. The mice quickly gathered the food amongst them and began eating. Lilia watched the mice for a moment. The violet mouse in front of her was about to leave get some food with the rest of the mice. Lilia took piece of bread and gave it to the mouse. "Have some food," She said to the mouse.

The mouse looked up at her and said, "Food." The mouse started nibbling the piece of bread while Lilia watched.

"It's so cute," Lilia said with a cheerful giggle. "What's its name?"

"Name?" Rinaldo asked with a puzzled look on his face. "I don't name them. Why would I name it?"

"Well this one is so cute. It has to have a name."

"Name it if you want, I don't care."

Lilia paused for a moment and thought. "How about...Pomplamoose?"

"Pompawhat? What kind of a name is that?"

"I said 'Pomplamoose' and I thought you didn't care."

"I don't really, but what made you think of Pomplamoose?"

"Oh...It just came to me."

"I think it's a great name." Marco chimed in.

"Thank you. Let's see what the mouse thinks of its name."

Rinaldo rolled his eyes and started eating. Lilia looked at the mouse and said "Pomplamoose, is it okay if we call you Pomplamoose?"

The mouse stopped eating for a moment and looked back at the Lilia and said, "Poompla."

"Pomplamoose, is that okay?"

"Pompla, Pompla, Pompla," replied the mouse.

"I think it likes that name. I'll call it Pompla for short," said Marco.

Lilia watched the mouse eat and stroked the top of its head with her finger.

After a few minutes of silence, Rinaldo spoke up, "I'm glad I could have you here. When you want I can take you back to Anovea for you. I'm sorry that you had to go through all of this."

Lilia looked surprised. "What do you mean? I'm not going back."

Now it was Rinaldo's turn to look surprised. "Not going back? Of course you're going back. Why would you not want to go back?"

"No, I am not going back. The commoners of the kingdom are alienated from me, and the people of the castle give me no respect. I'm just going to be used for a bargaining tool for the king."

"That may be, but no life is perfect. It may seem undesirable, but at least you have a future there. You're a princess. You'll be given a safe and stable life. I mean no disrespect, but please be reasonable your highness."

"I don't want that kind of life. Some may want privileged, dull lives, but I don't want to waste away in a big castle filled with 'nobility'. I just had one of the most pleasant conversations in my entire life here. I'm sick of decent, everyday people being intimidated by my title to speak to me on the very rare occasion they do. And I'm tired of having to get prepared appearances when it does happen."

"So what are you going to do instead?" Rinaldo challenged.

"Simple. I am going to stay with my husband, Marco." She said pointing to the ring on her finger.

Just then they heard an odd thumping sound. They turned to Marco. He had a big smile on, had his eyes closed, and was wagging his tail smacking it against the ground. He was acting like a very happy dog. When he opened his eyes and looked around, he saw that he was being stared at. He stopped thumping his tail. "Sorry about that," he said with embarrassment.

Marco responded to Lilia, "Your faith in my son is very touching, but I don't see a future for you two."

"I see your point, but it's the best option I have for now, and I enjoy his company."

"I still find it hard to believe that Marco got you to marry him. Are you sure you want to go through with all of this?"

"I was taught to take marriage very seriously. We can make it work somehow and I am not backing down from it."

"I suppose there is nothing more I can say to try to change your mind. Very well then."

The two of them sat and finished their "tea". It was good but Lilia noted that it tasted nothing like tea. The mice finished their bread and scampered back into their holes.

"I think we should leave soon," said Lilia. Marco left and went outside to wait for Lilia.

Before going out the front door, Lilia said, "Thank you for your hospitality. I have not had such a pleasant meeting for quite some time."

"It was no trouble at all," replied Rinaldo. Thank you for making my son happy. I have not seen him smile like that since he was smaller than me."

"Marco." He said facing his son now.

"Yes Papa?"

"I envy you for having a lady as nice as that. Take good care of her."

"I promise I will Papa."

They exchanged goodbyes and Marco carried Lilia back to their cave.

Stolen Heart of Fire chapter 13

On the way back, Lilia started thinking about her marriage. "Marco, how did you plan for our marriage to work?" Marco was silent for a moment, as if in thought and then said, "To be honest, I didn't really plan much of it at all. I said that I rushed...

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Stolen Heart of Fire chapter 11

"I have lived here for a long time. People used to come here for my help with various problems. People eventually stopped coming and my life was fairly uneventful. That changed one night when I was asleep. It was raining hard that night when I woke up....

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Stolen Heart of Fire chapter 10

He walked out of the cave with Lilia on his back. They entered the forest at a stead walk. Marco walked slowly so they could enjoy the scenery. Lilia looked around. Everything was calm and beautiful. "This is amazing. I've never been able to enjoy the...

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