"The Thin Line," Part LL

I should say, more accurately, that we were traveling parallel to it, along the wood-line.

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"The Thin Line," Part KK

#42 of the thin line this episode involves both the joy of the solstice season, and also the mystery of celestial phenomena, which may carry with it portents.

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"The Thin Line, Part JJ

#41 of the thin line in this episode, cpl.

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"The Thin Line," Part II

#40 of the thin line this episode is a somewhat calm interlude, in which cpl. winterbough and estvan silverbrush discuss the magickal arts. and their (mis)use for hilarity.

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"The Thin Line," Part HH

#39 of the thin line this episode involves a critical recce of the territory over the border into the united cities, and a key fur that's sympathetic to the empire. the activity is not exactly helped by cpl.

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"The Thin Line," Part GG

#38 of the thin line this episode actually contains some knowledge and technique that will serve cpl. winterbough in great stead in the near future.

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"The Thin Line," Part FF

#33 of the thin line in this episode, cpl. winterbough meets a very old, very knowledgeable, and very crazy fox-elf, who also lives in the area.

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"The Thin Line," Part DD

#31 of the thin line in this episode, cpl. winterbough realizes that he needs to have the furs of thorn platoon get moving on some fortifications in the mossford area.

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"The Thin Line," Part CC

#30 of the thin line in this episode, cpl.

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"The Thin Line," Part BB

#29 of the thin line in this episode, cpl. winterbough gets his introduction to the small hamlet of mossford, and the eclectic bunch that make up thorn platoon.

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"The Thin Line," Part AA

Flourford got its name, no doubt, from the long row of water-powered mills that lined one bank of a briskly flowing river.

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