Dons Nation 2 - Week 3
Paige had to put up with bowers in the first couple weeks when the league came back to action. we will definitely see more interaction from the two this season.
Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #9- Hijacked Holidays
Except the players actually set their egos aside in deference to his coaching style, and found such a deep cohesion with each other that they carried huntsville to the top of the league.
The adventure begins part 4 end
Let's get to cherrygrove so we can heal it and bulbasaur then register to the league!"
Dons Nation - Week 6
Darnell paige versus andrew calder; two of the top quarterbacks in the league.
Two Sides to Every Tale
Lean, and with brown hair, he has taken part in the kanto, johto, and hoenn pokemon leagues, and has won the hoenn league. his latest trip was to kalos, where he has acquired half of the regional gym badges.
The Trainer Portal (Pokemon TFs)
They built up an underground pokemon league, far away from anyone who might shut it down. they got others to help make gyms, markets, even makeshift pokemon centers. the whole operation was a close knit pokemon league.
Spirit Force Adventures! Ep 7
I understand their league is far more organized and my connections run deeper every day, sheriff. one day not even the many leagues of "heroes" or even the so called villains will be able to oppose the will of the just. the greater good!
A Spirit on the Rise - Episode 4
From what the league had learned, the gang was led by a fox who called himself mr hood.
Starlight Part 3
For the league, president lance is coming to his own conclusions with input from the cabinet, the otter knows just how limited his options are given that the league still isn't even close to start the process of recreating it's lost fleets and the military
Big Bad Wolf vs. Bigger Badder Wolf
His shirt has a logo saying "league of nuns". his pants were black leather, snug and very revealing.
Shifters: Chapters 5-8
To shoot down his league hopes.
Pokemon: Returning Champion: Prologue
I'm here to sign up for the johto league?" "yes. joshua adam bureon. winner of the kalos, sinnoh, and hoenn leagues. why am i not surprised? it says here that you like to challenge yourself..."