Wench (Kreet 16)
Fortunately kreet is innovative and will come up with a solution before the wicked serpent becomes a strip show. kreet settled into her new life at the wicked serpent quickly enough.
Brand (Kreet 9)
But finally things had gotten back to normal and kreet found herself spending more time with brand actually. karl was turning out to be the better magic-wielder of the three, and kreet learned as much from him as her master.
A Wonderful Life (Kreet 5)
#7 of kreet image another of coal by rakkuguy. *edited by kazerad & minions a year later kreet had settled into her life with the old monk rather well.
Levels (Kreet 49)
#49 of kreet kuroneko is doing some kreet arts so i'm putting them at the top of the chapters now, though they don't necessarily relate to the chapters themselves. here kreet plays with ka'plo's cat.
Ghosts (Kreet 21)
They are proud of you, kreet." it was too much. she collapsed on the rickety, dusty, leaf-strewn floor. "my family? you know my family?" "yes, kreet," the apparition said. "they have forgiven me. you are my redemption, kreet." "me? but i'm nothing.
The End (Kreet 84)
There's some people rounding up a bucket brigade, but it's going to be too late kreet. i'm so sorry!" kreet patted her hand. "it'll be fine marge. as long as everyone is okay.
The Master's House - (Kreet 94)
kreet stood and followed gart back down the tree to the ground.
Romance (Kreet - 41)
kreet shot a look to sigmundurr, and, though he was still watching intently, he had to stop to wipe the tears away from his face. kreet felt better at that. the man had a heart, after all.
Entrance (Kreet 22)
They looked at the map and kreet showed them the landmarks she recognized. "what about this area. a lot down there," karl pointed out. "the depths, we used to call that. we never went there," kreet said. "why not?"
Truth (Kreet 29)
Let's look at your kreet, brand. your beloved little kobold. behold..."
Departure (Kreet 35)
Even kreet had to admit to an ingrained sense of inadequacy.
Kreet the Monk - (Kreet 88)
#96 of kreet kreet did spend some time being a sort of nurse to the local human doctor in the slums. i didn't write much about that, but here kuroneko pictures kallid trying to get a bit more attention from nurse kreet.