The world has gone to hell]main characters introduction
Noteably schizophrenia.this along with going to one to many funerals caused a mental jay's mind is hardwired into a perminent survival mode.when the infection first hit jay locked himself away inside his house.after a few weeks of hiding the
Chapter 4: A plush for Jay, and a gem for G
jay giggled, and made a mental note to find out where twinkles did his shopping. with the pool filled and his new plush friend poolside, jay slid out of his clothes and laid down in the pool.
A Letter to Elizabeth
Well, I went and done something stupid tonight. For those familiar with TvTropes, I spent a good deal of time there today. Along my random tabbing, I opened the page for Tear Jerker, and then, in my stupidity, read the whole dame page for Real Life....
The Journal: Chapter II
jay was standing beside them, still in the same outfit he had been in before and motioned 'sup' with his head, "nice hair andrew." andrew blushed, "thanks jay. so uh, what's supposed to be going on tonight?"
Captivity - Chapter 6
#6 of captivity - jaye's story finally, jaye gets a break from most of the violent actions that have been ruling her life for the past 24 hours.
A Romantic Night
While she washed, jay and rachel snuggled up on the couch to watch t.v. mere moments later, jay began to doze off holding onto his mate. it wasn't long and the older lab fell asleep with him.
Furries University Chapter 7: Downhill Roll
jay walked up to jerry just now coming into the room and helped him to his feet. "damn it jay" breathed jerry holding his rib cage "your damn friends were fucking homos".
Bonds of Love (11)
"what ever happened to jay and noah?" he didn't say anything for a bit. "noah is in the house asleep by jay, and jay is in the hospital in a coma." "what we have to go, and make sure no one tries to take julio's ears and tail off."
Russian It? Chapter 16
"jay. i have to apologize. for everything. i still can't forgive myself for that night. i hope you know what i'm talking about."
I was a gay teenage zombie
jay was a perfectly normal teenager, like any other awkward, antisocial, gay teenager. until he was bitten by a mysterious zombie boy. now, jay has far more on his mind than he can handle.
Jay's Love (Prologue)
I wanted to portray jay as a jock type who's kinda stuck in the situation of being gay & in love with a boy while not having the courage to admit it.
Bluejay's Wares (Otherwise Untitled)
The jay paused in his writing to wiggle fingers in the air, as though pretending there to be a rainfall of magic down onto the table.