
Find myself, many a time, talking to a ghost, behind an imagined curtain i only wish i could see a bit clearer though, clarity's rarely used to describe what's seen in a broken mirror somewhat reclusive, somewhat meant to be kind i watch the old embers ignite

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Breaking the Barrier: To the library!

If i cut the fuses right, it should give me enough time to back away before the motor ignites. "you bet'cha!" pinkie calls back. "what exactly am i ready for again?" "this!"

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The reptile ignited the engine and prepared for a speedy takeoff and getaway. he turned on his communications and immediately was pinged by lylia. "alright, guys. thanks for the distraction, just put it on my tab."

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Summer Reprieve

A spark ignites a light in my synapses, a thought passes, and my mood relapses to shift me in a happy way knowing soon i'll be on holiday.

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Herdnan- Chapter Eleven

He quickly looked around and saw that the keys were still dangling in the ignition. he almost couldn't believe it. he threw his things to the passenger side of the seat and jumped back out of the truck.

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Chapter 9 - This Seems Familiar

The plentiful stars from the beginning of our journey had given away to an ominous glow in the night sky, like the denizens had known about us and had ignited a massive wave of fire to act as a trap.

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Evac Day +102

The keys were in the ignition. sadly, the collision had knocked the frot bumper into the wheel well, so it wasn't going anywhere. a first i thought it was a trap and looked around. but there was nobody to be seen. not a single soul.

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Spawn of Rage

The sight of violette, holding a photo of her daughter to her heart as she died, iola, swept away by a flaming man who stowed her into a cart before sending it off and drowning in an attempt to extinguish the ignition. larentia gripped her head.

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Happy..Father's Day

My mother removes the keys from the ignition and steps out, waiting for me. i remove my seat-belt and gather the tulips from the backseat.

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Autopilot (Otherwise Untitled)

, the cockatiel implored of the pilot's body, the remaining gallium flare igniting in the magazine.

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950 Tactical Demolition

The damaged portions ignite first, like flash-paper burning slowly from the edges in.

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WOLVES MIST - Chapter 2(.3)

"well, i hadn't expected you to be able to ignite it. i thought that once was a fluke" the grandmaster said. "still, you are doing it without knowing what it is you are doing.

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