Gortoz 'A Ran - ch 70 - Through her eyes...

I did miss her and yet i had the feeling i wasn't suppose to see her... part of me felt guilty and didn't want to be with her, afraid to confront her with the things i did... nevertheless, i called her up...

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Gortoz 'A Ran - ch 51- The need for her affection...

I closed my eyes as i placed my hands on her cheek and tilted her head a little, gently pressing my lips against hers... my tongue touched her lips and that's when she opened her mouth a bit... gently... slowly...

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Burning out her fuse, up here alone

her handlers trained her for such things, and she was such a good cosmonaut, very adaptable, very calm. but this, was becoming unbearable, and she let out a noise of distress, wriggling in her harness, scrabbling in the micro-gravity.

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The Steel Bunny Chapter 2- Tempering Her Iron Soul

Sandi scoffed as she looked over the jeans and sweater in front of her. she tiled her head a little as more questions started to trickle into her head. how did jason even get her in here?

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Final Fantasy XI: A Mithra and Her Wyvern: Part I

Sand blew up in her face that made her wince and cough as some of the tiny grains forced their way into her throat.

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The Hitchhikers - Fantasy Chapter - Her Worst Idea, EVER!!! (Censored)

Shortly after asking her question aloud, her room suddenly became very hot. she felt as if a fire was at her doorway to her room. sweat began to erupt from her pores, mixing with her fur as she began panting.

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The Grand Adventures of Knight Plum and Her Daring Squire Peaches

Plum called over her shoulder. her erstwhile, and not just a little flighty, owlbear squire quickly bounded over on her much longer legs. she was far bigger then plum but still, plum was the knight, not her! she just didn't have the constitution for it.

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The people of my mind. Ch.2 I'll call her Mureen

She awoke to find a human, to her some scruffy alien, trying to pick her up. she knocked it back easily enough but when she tried to bound away, the pain forced her back to the ground.

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[Commission] Thievery: The Ruins of Expansion; or the criminal teacher and her flaming butt

She bit the frame, trying to lift the window with her mouth and her jaw went numb. the numbness spread to her face, went down her neck to her body and legs. and then she started to violently jitter and after that came the pain.

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Ever Higher

She nodded her head and sank down, tucking her legs under her as she sat on the ground. she looked sad, the feathers around her neck ruffling as she tucked her wings to her side. paul walked up to her and leaned up against the feathers of her belly.

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Tania's Unbound

They had no right to stop her like this, to trap her, to lock her in one place and to keep her from her food! a second flash of light came from the ship, passing through the wall of light to wash over her head, tiny on top of her massive body.

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