Echo - Road 65 ( 2/2 )
It was a light gust of fresh wind that pulled him out of his stupor. Chase began to feel his difficulty in breathing which eased when he gave up breathing through his nose. The latter was hurting him. Lying on the hard and pleasantly warm ground of...
A deceased daughter's wish
_Every creature holds mana within, though not all possess the ability to use it. Dragons, however, are an exception, able to utilize mana in more ways than any other creature. Some dragons use mana to breathe underwater. Others, to grow plants faster....
Extinction 2 - The Five Hearts
On the outer rim of this strange hollow dimension, beyond the reach of the mist and the demon's eye, a spirit came creeping. A room designed like a small laboratory, with spheres crackling light held within claws of stone that communicated to...
Day 9 - Ghost
"elizabeth" she muttered as she stared at the ghost of her friend and lover.
Character Sheet - Alexandria Bloodmoon
Perhaps her most powerful ghostly abilities lie her ghostly senses, and while she can lift some things with her ghostly abilities without the use of her vampire shadows, she mostly only uses these sense to avoid ghost types.
Ghosts (Kreet 21)
There was a ghost standing in the corner, dressed in ka'plo's robe. she knew it was a ghost because it was the one point of darkness her vision wouldn't light. it did not move, but just watched her. "master?" she asked quietly.
Poem #80: Ghost
[creative commons license](]( "ghost" by bhscorch is licensed under a [creative commons attribution-noderivs 3.0 unported license](
**a ghost from the past** â€enough of this! digi-modify!†rika said yanking a card of of her pocket.â€data-regeneration activate!!!†rika yelled swiping the card through her digivice.
Chapter the Fourth: Ghosts
"Derek!" The small kit sat somberly staring at his father. Riadne called his name again, but he didn't even acknowledge hearing her. By now, she would have assumed her voice would become hoarse, but it didn't. It just swam hauntingly through the...
Ghosts of my Past
The ghosts of my past are merely shadows on the wall all the guilt and pain of my life seems like it's trying to snowball in the long, cold years that i've endured i've tried to change but no matter how hard i try it all seems so far out of range  
Changes of heart: Ghosts
Darkness surrounded him, choking his vision. All around, the night was silent. Not a single sound dared intrude, and the dampness of the air made breathing a chore. The swamp was an unforgiving place and death stalked it this night. Even this late at...
The Ghost Inside You
#2 of non-yiff this is a small piece i wrote as a sort of rant/existential thoughts about life the people you love become ghosts; everywhere you go they share a place inside you. in this way you keep them alive and they live forever.