Chapter 7

Slamming into the lord of the void, the dragon-god fought with a ferocity that was unparalleled.

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Mundane (Revision 3)[WIP]

._ * * * i trudged through the dense snowy-forest, ice crunching under paw, the seething wind howling, trees whipping around in it's ferocity. ice pelted my face, even with a full set of gear.

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Winds of Fate: Homecoming

She was a victim of both her own naiveté and the old ways and the town paid the dire consequences in blood in her ferocity and insanity.

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WOLVES MIST - Chapter 4(.2)

His brother cradled in his arm stared up at him in consternation, the look on his face only increased the ferocity of his laugh, his sides ached and he gasped for breath between the tear stung happiness overcoming him.

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"Slow to Wake"

With tears in his eyes, chipper stood and spun, tossing with a the ferocity of a four-year-old the remains of his drink in his face.

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Chapter 15: Final confrontation

The blow sent him reeling and the ferocity was even worse then when the blood fury had taken hold. "has his condition taken hold again?" cynder stuttered. "no it hasn't." naomi replied. "then how is he so strong?" spyro asked.

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Cecil's Midnight Stroll

He licked the blade clean with such a ferocity that he was amazed his didn't accidentally cut his own tongue. he sat there for a few moments longer, and when he finally calmed down and stopped crying cecil looked about himself again.

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Shadows Meant To Fade

Still they fought with ferocity enough to beggar the demons they battled with. one hour passed, then a second, as susan waited.

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All Things Quiet And Sweet 15 - You Created This, James

His claws were out at last, and he slashed with great ferocity, enough to even smack james' scissors to one side.

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 26

His speed and ferocity were too much, forcing her to move quicker than she was used to. none of her usual grace would do. this needs pure skill. ghiryion swept the spear down at her legs, but she leapt backwards.

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Fugitive's Trust Chapter 10 Part 2 of 2

Benayle shuddered but managed to look up at the aspect of ferocity. "are there any you meet that don't?" he managed.

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Thirteen Tales From Another World: Fourth Tale

With cunning, ferocity, and ambition.'_ _ _ _new players will be evenly distributed among all the crews other than last year's victory. the game has already begun!

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