Welcome Aboard

He was sporting fatigues, set in a neutral grey tone, a tan canine of some sort..oddly long muzzle (which bore some shades of grey; even if the didn't seem to be all that old), rounded very un-canine ears. a tail that he bore stiffly.

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Gene, the Genial, Substance Lovin' Sheepdog

He's most comfortable in a simple, dark-green mesh top with blackish-grey fatigues and huge, heavy work boots, with a pair of dog tags wrapped tight around his massive forearm.

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chemical dreams

An acrid chemical smell hit anais like a wave bringing with it nausea and fatigue. before she could scream blackness closed in and she crumpled in a heap on the ground. just barely hearing the strangers cackles before slipping off.

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the light

He was wearing a military fatigue, and instead of arms, he had two large swords. he stabbed one into me, and said "you can look, but don't touch, idiot." with that, he pulled the blade out. to my surprise, no blood came from the wound, or even any pain.

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Travelling in Galar

Letting his pokémon parners (nate the inteleon, max the toxtricity, fiona the thievul, greg the drednaw, vivian the flapple and thomas the drakloak) out of their balls, nigel himself sat down on the station bench, already feeling the fatigue on his legs.

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The White Horizon: Death in The Snow

I remember the way his blue had looked into my green in terror when i held his paws in mine as his body slowly gave way to succumbing cold and fatigue.

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The Imp

As the adrenaline slowly declines from the inactivity of stimula, so does the rush and awareness you felt, you start to feel the fatigue of the night creep up on you, making you drowsy.

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"The Thin Line," Part U

Squaddies changed early into fatigues, the better to take the inevitable wine and food stains that would occur, and mess-kits were scoured and cleaned, and supplies of condiments stuffed into pockets.

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A Dragon's Tale Genesis-Chapter 5-First Turn

"sir",i said,"with all due respect we are exhausted,unless you want us falling dead from fatigue,i highly suggest you send a fully combat capable team." my team and i were exhausted.

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Uninvited Guests/Round 2

"you're going to collapse without my help anyway," she said, sounding moments away from tears todd thought before he collapsed and blacked out from fatigue.

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MoonDust, Chapter 3

While supposedly a joint facility, the gray uniforms of luna corps outnumbered khaki fatigues ten to one. of course that didn't count the dozens of support personnel in their rainbow of jumpsuits and coveralls.

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Adventure at NordicFuzzCon 2014

To make matters worse is that by this time a new form of fatigue was starting to form. it's the kind of longer term fatigue that a single night of sleep doesn't clear out.

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