New Furry Story Idea
For a few species, it caused rapid evolution, creating sentient beings (bears, wolves, horses, etc). in others, the evolution only created new species that now inhabit the wild (reptiles, birds, aquatic animals).
Games list as of 5/20/2014
Prinny 2: dawn of operation panties star ocean: first departure star ocean: second evolution tactics ogre tales of the world: radiant mythology valhalla knights valkryie profile: lenneth white knight chronicles: origins wild arms xf zhp:
Evolution's Gate Ch.3 - Zerobi's Story
#3 of occult magazine: evolution's gate on the sixth day of autumn 2010, the cult known as evolution's gate became disbanded after police discovered the bodies of 47 of its members in the cerulean cave.
Life Here After - Prologue
Their evolution appeared to be backward but similar to that of the humans. fearing a rise in their power the aeons released a airbourne virus into the forests were the creatures lived, hoping the creatures would die off.
Rebirth ch7
"i missed his evolution to that of a kirlia." he cursed his luck but then remembered that he still had one evolution left. "i may have missed his first evolution, but i sure as mew not going to let the next pass me by."
Luca's Evolution & Tournament
I hadn't explained evolution to her yet.
The Human Species Ch.93x - High School Reunion
She had always assumed zerobi hated her, only acting like her friend to keep together evolution's gate. the rise and fall of evolution's gate was merely the catalyst that tore them asunder, zerobi finally showing her true colors.
Alt Earth 4077 Historical Post 2
Mankind improved upon evolution and brought all manner of wonder and horror from the mind's womb with time running out."
'if you can stick it out until you've reached your next evolution,' he told her, 'you will never battle again and heck, you might as well even trade an attack for speaking abilities'.
Chapter 44: Journey to Survival - 2
The damage was minimal because of the evolution differences, but his revolver shaken because of the blast. "ouch... what a blast." al grunted. the attack doesn't stop there. the silver doll used its discs again.
Chaos from Order: As the Dawn Arrives (Ch.1)
Some of us go through a change everyone said was evolution. everyone who partook the ceremony became different and stronger in some ways.
Interstellar Dissonance: “Elements”
._ _they continued their technological evolution over the centuries, eventually even pulling off the impossible: tak'roki, artificial subatomic particles, a type of programmable energy only achieved once before by a race far older, and long extinct due to