One Step Forward

Calder shook his head, "so you mean i need a high level enchantment on a weapon that would cost millions in coin, an enchantment level that no player has reached, and a bunch of rare crystals? easy..."

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Reincarnated as an Orc in a fantasy Land Ch. 14

Instead, the truth was that some enchanter had discovered some new way to enchant items to having two enchantments. they couldn't risk this information leaking anywhere else, so under the guise of creeping death, they purged the city."

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So You've Just Become a Weresquirrel

Unicorns aside, enchanted forests are a place of wonder and mystery. and they are well, as their name implies, enchanted.

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Anchored Prologue

Before the beast could do anything more i whipped my staff's pointed end across its throat, the enchanted weapon slicing through and killing the creature.

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Astral High - Chapter 34

"fuck currency, we're making a fucking enchanter's den." [me] "wait, so you don't care about the geared war machines anymore?"

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MTG Echo Crossover Thingie

"an enchantment" chase nodded, "i wonder if what's behind all this is an enchantment as well." "go the mines" sam said, "if you win or if you die, i simply do not care." \*\*\*\* at the entrance of the cave, tj prayed.

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Grentail Manor Chapter 5

I've actually patented the enchantments required for this particular design and have sold over a dozen like it to other lords."

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Wolfen - Chapter 7

"anyway, these wizards specialized in enchantments. they, with their vast knowledge, enchanted these stones to allow us to connect to the mana, since us wolfen are incapable of doing it on our own.

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Spirit Bound: Chapter Ninety-Eight

"kerfoot's dual-point teleportation enchantments and variants thereof. um, also on the tetra-bioscan formula and the type three biochem scanning formula, a primer -- the best one you have, in your opinion -- on enchanting objects. ah!

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Andlat and the Faeries

Lilal nodded, focusing solely on keeping andlat occupied while her sisters began to weave a rather powerful enchantment.

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Rose- Learning Magic

The release spell is itself a sort of special form of enchantment. the body will fight it off and that's why we revert. it taps into our magical essence to draw out a form and by casting the release spell we are refreshing the enchantment.

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The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Seventeen

If we get caught, the church and its priests won't care whether you enchanted your ears yourself or not. the only thing they'll care about is the forbidden magic in them.

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