Chapter 13: Thier doom descends

"what is the target for the drones that have just been launched?" ignitus asked. grasping what the machine meant. "processing request, one moment...........

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Starlight Parts 1 and 2

He takes one last look at the ship as some drones are being deployed, most are maintanence and repair units but some are stalker drones, the mystic gives a hard, depressed sigh as he never thought his ship would end up in such a state.

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The Parts that Make Us - Chapter 1

It only took half an hour for the drone to slam into the surface of the planet and another fifteen minutes for sara to reach it. the drone had cut a devastating swath through the landscape.

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Isolation-Excerpt 13-Force Recon

"right inside", mike said, "into the cages, how those drones got through big bertha here...i can't even begin to guess."

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Chronicles of the Tetrad Chaper 6: The Solitary Hive

If i were denied i would be just another drone, and the drones would be stronger but without direction.\> "i guess that answers one question, but what's with the painful mind-speak earlier?"

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Sucking it up as the ranchers hunt you down & drive you out to raise cattle, the drone of tractors and engines like foreign insects, as the dust kicked up by hooves blows across the denuded brush.

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Dusty Road Trip (Otherwise Untitled)

He'd make the salvage settlement where he hoped for a lead on another drone's memory core before nightfall easily. the motorcycle seemed to rumble a bit more calmly as he let off the throttle and settled into a more relaxed pace.

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It's Always Something

The drone quickly selected the new targets as soon as they left the car and quickly shot them out of the sky, which was what she was waiting for.


Walls: Reboot 10 - The Precious Runt

Adler swiped back to the image of the massive hole and tapped the screen, "they brought the drone here, to the underground high security lab #3. they then cracked the drone open, and started their investigation..."

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Paper Plate

Paper plate i don't think this is really a big deal, but sense i have seen other people drone on and on about it, i sit here with some string cheese, and watching taken 2, so i can join the people who drone on pointlessly about a frickin paper plate that


Music review - Flood by Boris

The japanese rockers have dabbled in everything - from doom metal, to drone metal, to noise rock, shoegaze, power pop and even film score inspired music.


The Surge: An Argon Story

"hail our transport and tell them to launch all drones immediately i will not have these men die out in space."

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