A Fine Art Helper
This time he adds muscles on the drawing as richards watches and analyze the way he draws it.
Grand Duel Academy: Chapter Rose 2
Micahel: and to top it all off, i draw a card. and what a card it is! i use my moray of greed! by shuffling two water monsters back from my hand into my deck, i draw 3 cards.
Grand Duel Academy: Tournament: Hudson 1
Hudson's turn starts, as he draws hudson: i set a monster and end my turn. gwen: looks like this one is in the bag for me. i draw! gwen draws, smirking. gwen: ohhhh this is gonna be fun. i summon out another harpie channeler!
Which Way To Tallahassee?
She starts drawing. cinnamon helps guide his partner into the perfect position for him to draw him in. "you want me standing like this?" pepper asks. cinnamon nods and begins to outline pepper.
My Pudgyville Fanfic S1E15
\*patch draws\* any queens starlight? "no queens," said starlight. \*melody draws\* got any 7's lancer?
TERMS OF SERVICE: Bespoke Digital Artwork
I'm willing to consider exceptions for personal gifts and i don't mind doing fan art or works obviously inspired by some other ip; e.g., i probably won't draw chewbacca or judy hopps, but i would be willing to draw your character in the star wars universe
The Same Heartbeats Chapter 1
Tara took the notepad and the broken drawing.
OC Draft: Isaac Aridesh
Isaac spends alot of his time drawing to be honest, still somewhat amateurish himself, he finds himself drawing various people he has seen throughout the course of his life.
Pelten's Journal: Of Sources and Demons
To explain this, it is not only the place that a being draws from, but the way that they draw from it.
Chapter 15: Cameo
He figured he may as well attempt to draw the guy, though he considered his drawing skills... not all that good. shadow started with ‘ole eggy's stomach. it extended almost cartoonishly from his main body.
Begging for Love
As the cars rushed by him on the street, he thought of no longer drawing claire, no longer being able to look at her in his drawings.
Unexpected Bet
Elena chuckled before drawing a card from her deck. "okay, my move. draw!" again, she swung her arm out in an exaggerated manner. "first, i'll summon...sangan to the field...in attack position!"