Jeremy 093; Its Not The Slope Its The Lack Of Friction

Maintaining eye contact with the dominant jeremy said "i think mitchell would like a word with you." the otter's demeanor changed at the comment. he looked to his dominant and took a deep breath. jeremy watched as he made his way over.


The Double Life - Chapter 3

"'s long as that road takes us outta here in one piece, i'm all for it, dom. c'mon, it's almost dark."

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Jeremy 014; I Am Jeremy's Smirking After Action Report

"her status as a dominant." he repeated. "just as my status as a dominant is helping me?" the jackal snorted "in this instance, you don't need the help of your status."


Jeremy 019; Not By Chance

Jeremy meets another dominant. i've been so looking forward to introducing this character that i'll let you got right to it. just this once.


I'm almost done!?

**As of right now, I'm almost done with my rough draft of my first story. I think it's OK. But I really would appreciate it if I could get your thoughts on my story.**

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Tiger's Toy

Every part of his body could dominate you so utterly that there can be no other end. he savors your taste like ambrosia. "well now..."

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Anthropia Chapter 2

Moon slurped at the cricket stew hesitantly. In truth, his family was more accustomed to eating more flavorful meats like ham, and beef. Insect meat was usually for the commoners, not the regal nobility like the Solar Swords. **"I know it doesn't...

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Pet Sketch

"Scarlett!" Andlat snapped awake as he heard the lion's voice. He remained on the lacy purple dog bed as he knew there was no way to escape. He was naked except for the pink collar around his neck, but he knew also that that would soon change. The...

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The difference

I've seen the pain the internal hurt but when I look back it's always worse with every drop to every plop I cry the tear of blood I am the difference... To see myself alone with no one it makes me think of bain not fun the peace two souls...

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Ok, this is the third chapter of this story and now it will actually progress. This chapter will focus mostly on getting you to know a bit more about one of the main characters, Ventus. I don't know for sure yet, but I think you'll see a lot of him...

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Rising Above Petty Crime

Tyson may have been overlooked due to his miniscule size from most challenges of dominance since he had been part of the clan but he had still seen more than enough of them to recognize one.

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Chapter 7

dom looks at the female. "oh shit" was all he said.

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