Fuck you i wrote to a ex gf, it is angry and bile filled, just adding it cause its something i wrote,
the events pass, the past is written, the past is static, its set so common sense says, but not for you, you rewrite what happens to suit you, you turn devotion
Bitch, Poetry, angry, breakup, mean
My love, my truest love, my heart,
my devotion.
you hold me, all that i am, in your hand
and i am free.
free of pain, free of sorrow and free of the past.
you help me break from my shell
and soar the sky
with you by my side.
Love, Poem
Those wrongly speaking unkind
we, as one, help each other keep clear, a tired, & weary mind
calm so easily broken among the quiet storm still strong with emotion
i find, above all else, friendship & love, help carry one another with ease, with such pure devotion
Poem, Short Story, slice of life, thought
The sins of my devotion.
of my fear of betrayal.
for one thing i am glad of the darkness.
you cannot see this veil of tears
this numb feeling i cannot shake.
eyes locked, no blinking, no thinking...both refuse to give slack
cemetery is perfection evolving into spontaneous movements that match with each motion
somewhere along the way, far past on a certain day, all has melded together in a twisted form of devotion
Poem, Short Story, slice of life, thought
I dream of a leader; filled with a sense of responsibility, honesty, and devotion. they want to
show me everything as i want to show them. do i want to take responsibility?
Poem, Poetry, life
third is a word i here too often, too late
one that shows only after the fact, after fate
fourth is but that word forgiving time for taking its next step, continue its motion
fifth is knowing what could, would, & should be done with such devotion
Poem, Short Story, slice of life, thought
The same
a loving thought beyond expression, forgetting we had each a name
blindly showing all faults as if in a flawed game
it's hard to look back, the pains come more in thought than motion
priceless was our life, so we took for granite the fragile devotion
Poem, Short Story, slice of life
Know my sub-conscience wants to fight
day dreaming under the vail of night
anything is up for grabs, while i don't need to doubt what's right
my mental recollection toys with my emotions
showing all i once held close, & with them, all my priceless past devotions
Poem, Poetry, Short Story, slice of life
With my head held high and pride rising through the sky, i stand here now as i take this devoted vow, that i will correct what i have done wrong, fix what i have shattered, and i'll do it all as i walk with a broken leg sucking up the pain as i pull myself
Happiness, only some
seclusion always a moment away, we pay no mind to expectations of a better day
through thick or thin, we must prevail, for tomorrow's struggle, we must win
deciding a smile over lack of emotion is the definition of our devotion
Poem, Short Story, Slices of life
Strings from puppets dance empty as dummies take seats to watch who's pulling old emotion
forgetting the performance for the first time, they watch blindly with infatuated devotion
chaos felt in a light breeze around the room
all watch curtains falling
Fiction, Poem, Short Story, life, thought