
._ _ _ _to learn more about this strange and alien culture, i have lived amongst them, in a clan known as the azure rift clan._ _ _ _i have recorded my observations over the decades, so that us outsiders may know more about our odd neighbors.



"you know, this was kinda fun" carl said, "normally we learn mostly about leo's culture." "and what's wrong with that?" leo said, mock-unpleased. "nothing, its just a nce change of pace."

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Dangerous Thoughts: chapter 2-1

Ever since they became aware their prey had feelings and could think, they had built their culture around never harming them again.

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Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 05: Provincial Conference

Now, they were having cultural performances, and there was a cultural fair outside. it would be later in the evening they announced who was the winner.

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Tainted Waters - Concepts & Ideas Part 1: The Setting

Each realm also has its own weather, cultures, and plant life. all three realms are united. first realm of sanctuary - a vast utopian city where all are welcome. very industrial, and populated. lacks a sense of culture found in other realms.

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Heart Of Stone

Time worn crooked breaking frames hold treasures of culture's past, smiles that faded long ago are seen within cold dead eyes on faces, some without names. how long can these treasures last?

My Heart is Full of Thunder

#50 of poetry "while it was initially thought that this culture had multiple archer goddesses, one of lighting and storms, and another of love and healing, recent finds seem to imply that these were in fact the same figure.


City of Dreams

Greed had resulted in the death of so many cultures before and it was going to destroy the people here too.

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Races of Mundus-Humans

This means they share cultures with other races as well as their own.

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15 Legend

Different caravans met near the dragon, sometimes setting aside vast cultural differences to, at least for a night, simply indulge in good cheer along a journey.

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Furtasia: Thladiran Language

(a set of three is a common unit of organization, grouping, and goods in thladiran culture.

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Races of Mundus-Felion

** ** **culture** cunning and quick witted, the felion have been amazonian warriors and hunters since the great divide and their culture reflects this. the felion form tribal communities, with each tribe overseen by a chieftainess.

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