Fleet Footwork

"well, ya don't seem like the type of person to murder an utterly defenseless individual, unlike yer crazy coworker, yeh." "what coworker?" "ya haven't heard? some of your opia pals are pretty fucked up, if ya ask me. or anyone, really," he adds.

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Shadow of the Ancestors - Chapter 1

Reynard scanned the room to make sure none of his coworkers were watching him or listening in before he finished dialing.

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Come With Us To Gomorrah, Opportunity Knocks But Once

Gomorrah changes you--see--it's not a place, or a city, or a nation--but a state of mind, a kinship; choosing to be something that maybe normal people: maybe your brother or your sister, or your mother or father, or the next door neighbors, your coworkers,

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Getting To Know You

Nick decides to go on a camping trip with a squirrel coworker named deb. deb really just wants the opportunity to get to know nick but is met with some resistance of both the personal and transformation type as she attempts this.

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Unlocking Doors pt 1

"generally speaking, ralph, punching your coworkers isn't the soundest business policy." "oh, come on, kev, it would have been fine. adrienne would have defended you, right? isn't she always making eyes at you?"

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These were my coworkers, my friends... and my enemies. not for the first time i had the irrational thought that one of them was somehow responsible for my torment.


Science Amongst the Stars

My coworker has lost it a few days ago and he's getting a little desperate. i took a quick glance at the room. there didn't appear to be any missing books around. at least, no books that weren't meant to be there.

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Writing Exercise - Office Politics

Two coworkers laughing in the distance brought me out of my melodramatic daze. i felt stupid thinking it. i did have a job! that's what matters, right? a paycheck and benefits matters more than anything else, right? i wish i believed that.

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Fathom's Phantoms, Ch 29: Regulation 3

The fact that they were as much family as they were coworkers it was about time in her opinion that they sit down and discuss their feelings, explore their emotions, and use the opportunity to grieve for their fallen brethren.

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Against All Odds: Part 38 - Release

Nathan joined him in scanning the room, every single one of his coworkers frozen where they'd sat or stood the moment he'd begun shouting. "f-forget it. i don't really care any more."

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Venturing: Working Class

For once i was free from the imprisonment, i race down the length of the aisle and regroup with my coworkers. however, to my surprise, i saw no one around. alone and isolated from the others, i slowly panicked.

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Venturing: Midsun Frax

As i watched them however, i pondered overed what zander had said and avert my eyes away from my coworkers and towards somewhere else.

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