The Garnet Moon
Off of a suggestion blake had read on the online article "20 best activities for ldr couples!"
Moving In - 2021
**Moving In** **Three years later...** "Ugh," I took off my headset and whispered, "really, dude?" as I left the match. It didn't sit well with me that some online stranger in a video game told me some really mean...
Kami no kokoro-prologe
**10:00 pm: downtown ** a young couple were walking together after having a great time at their friend's house when they thought it would be fun to make out out in public on a street with camera watching them (there a daring couple anyway
WeylandYutaniCorporation Date Log22361AG
In a matter of minutes, the young anthro couple were stepping their paws onto mallow's soil.
prequel to GOJ/GNY chapter 11
Epilogue-birth of James "Hey sis." said Mora nudging her sister Mozart. Mozart slowly woke up, "What is it?" she said sleepily. "Can we go outside? I need to talk with you." she said looking around. Mozart got up and the two went outside. "I wonder...
Stream: A Loving Couple (short interactive stream story)
The fur of the canine glistened well in the sunlight as he walked down the streets, his bleach stained blue jeans giving him a clear image as the local town grease monkey, but this was only partly true. His real skill rested in just about everything...
The Fertile Clearing
#21 of the wolf and the bear i commissioned this a couple weeks ago, but between ac and some other things the story took longer than anticipated to finish and edit. anyway, finally getting around to uploading!
Ember Tails, ch2 (pt.5)
Mckenzie making light conversation with the vulpix about his last couple days of school for the semester until they made it to the kitchen, where smells of the chirstmas meal were heavy in the air. "ah, shana, marcus, welcome!
JeromexVictor:pregnancy(more anthros,yaoi and mpreg)
The famous love song "my heart will go on"started playing as love couples new and old danced on the dance floor. "so what's your name?"asked jerome to the shepherd who was his age. "i'm victor" smiled the shepherd.
Spare Part's Graveyard
I wanted to yell out, to scream for help, but I simply sat there on the floor; I was dumbfounded and humiliated just enough to silence me. I sat there, limp and still. I sat there, holding back tears, as the thick air of the woods seemed to taunt...
Ember Tails, ch3 (pt.1)
The togetic held a contemplative look as she stared at the young couple for a moment, eventually asking "kira, if i may, how long have you two been a couple?"
Matriarch's Duty Calls
The two arcanine had been married, until one growlithe of theirs had died from starving a couple weeks after being born. this is why georgia remains divorced. milfy lily is their lactation consultant who both of them have put their trust in.