Ghost Treat

The snake removed each coil as he reached the boy ghost's legs. it was easier now. he swallows the legs slower, no matter how much they tried to kick.

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Stakes in Space (Otherwise Untitled)

There's no rad leaks along their engine coils, no noise from the gravity systems.. this is a ship that gets regular maintenance."

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Fanboys Squirm the Best

With each punch he continued to squeeze his coils tighter and tighter. he could feel the bulk slowly being crushed between the mighty muscles in his serpentine body. but then things started to change. he soon felt resistance against his coils.

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Before The All-Dark

The second time he didn't answer, a jolt of fear shook my coiled body. he'd promised to run if i ordered it, but i hadn't made that call, and kwirk had never been anything but obedient.

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bowrll's Birthday - Bizarre Blessings

Both bowrll's coils and otto's body dropped straight away, their necks stretching to leave their heads, snake glaring at the recalcitrant anteater.

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A Snakish Attraction

Then she realized she was in the coils of a massive snake. she was about to panic until her slightly blackened tongue caught his scent. this was hercules. she had nothing to fear from him. but it was time to leave. she pushed gently at his coils.



There would look to be some excitement, his coils tensing. the sigh of prey. . . it was pleasing to his senses.

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Terms of Service - Chapter 8

Smooth white coils of scale and feather pushed the two of them together. side by side in a tangle of limbs and struggling shouts the big-horned ram and the fox found themselves restricted as the snake coiled tightly about them both.

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Finally came the day where i finally jumped to second coil. this was where more advanced training came in, and how i learned my special ability.


A Quick Snack

With the naga coiled up tightly, her upper body arched up and dangling the young hyena's body on her coils, she reached down with her hands and wrapped them around his neck, pulling him upwards as she walked her mouth over him.

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Spotlights and spiral eyes

In a matter of seconds, the reptile's coils barely allowed him to take a step forward, let alone escape from him. still, everything was fine.

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