
Story by Doctor Otter on SoFurry

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#4 of Tail Underground

Ikage, nicknamed Nightshade... that's not my real name. Ikage in Han-Ma isn't a true name... it means "Vagabond." Seems fitting with the way the White Lotus Society found me and took me in as one of their own. Yet it wasn't always easy. I was originally born as Hunter Vale, from the land of Arca, son of the great warrior Link Vale and the High Preistess Janice. My father died a hero in a great war, laying his life down on the line for a his country and given the highest honor ever given in Arca. I was always proud of my father growing up, and I vowed I'd one day become like him. I remember when he was home, when I was younger, he'd read me bedtime stories, bring presents home when he returned... I love him and my mother. But something never sat right with me. My mother wanted me to find a nice female to mate with, but females didn't suit me. I first found out I was a Tail Raiser when I was 13, and there was a young male in school I had found highly attractive. We ended up mating for 2 years, My love, Matthew and I. I guess it was never to be, as the King was pushing a royal decree, banning all homosexual activity. The two of us stayed together though... our hearts inseperable. I was caught on several occasions, only getting a few days in jail, but it was the third time it would be different. Matthew and I were caught when we were both fifteen, nothing sexual happened, but we were caught making out. That day changed my life forever. As part of the new decree, since I was a constant offender, I was pulled away from my love and exiled from the land of Arca. I was crushed and swore my revenge to the king...

I wondered the to the east for days, carrying only gourds of water. I had lost track of the days when I fainted and fell to the ground, out of water for five days. I had awakened in a cavern with a young female fox offering me water. She told me her name was "Lady Mina" and found me out in the desert in one of her patrols. She explained to me that the White Lotus Society were secret supporters of the Han-Ma throne, and were ninjas and assassins. I took this as an opprotunity to better understand my father, but ultimately to take revenge for my near death exile from Arca. I begged to be trained as a White Lotus assassin, but it was not up to her. With that, I was brought before their leader, coded "Boss Lady." She was the one who gave me my new name, my identity. She accepted me for training and saw to it herself.

That day forward I dedicated my life to the White Lotus. The Training was brutal, day one I was tossed off of a cliff and told my training would be complete when I climbed back up. That's where most of my scars came from. Then there was walking across the broken glass in order to get out of a room, barefoot. Punching boards until my knuckles were skinned and raw, holding out buckets of water till my arms ached and became stiff. The Kata training, the beatings, the slaps of the Kendo sticks against my so fragile body. I still remember that pain I was put through for my spirit and body to become strong. Finally came the day where I finally jumped to Second Coil. This was where more advanced training came in, and how I learned my special ability. They said it's rare, once every thousand years or so, that a White Lotus can use the Shadow Blink spell, but I mastered it only after training a few weeks. Shadow Blink allows me to not only create shadows of myself, but have myself and my shadows blink, making them incredibly hard to hit and block my attacks. This is where I picked up my code name "Night Shade" Boss Lady was pleased with how my training was progressing...

Twenty Long years... twenty grueling and painstaking long years and I finally made it, The Second highest ranking in the White Lotus, fourth coil. Boss Lady replaced my mundane Ninja-to, with one of a beautiful ornate one that seemed to be made of Gold. She told me it was Orichalcum, an incredibly strong and unbreakable metal that few warriors were able to master. The Blade felt as light as a feather and as I held the blade, I realized everything, all my training was leading up to me wielding this blad, in the name of Justice and Freedom. Then there was the day Emperor Xing asked us to station a team of ninja at Arca. I must admit I was excited to return, not to see anyone, not my mother, not my former lover... but to exact my revenge upon the unsuspecting King. I volunteered to lead the ninja and handpicked the team myself. Hiei, the young rabbit who has an incredible talent with any instrument put infront of him and mastering the Kusurigama with spiked Chain. Jubei, Shadow Fox Master chef and excelent assassin with his ability to blend into shadows. Taki, an gardner with an unusual ability to control the plants she's able to grow. Lady Jade, another fourth coil ninja wanted to join us, but I told her it was too dangerous for her. She obviously knew I was lieing, as the eyes are the portals of truth to the ninja, but she didn't persue it further. Arca... you will pay for everything you've done... I will destroy you no matter what the cost...