Tropical - Chapter Twelve
cloud moved in with rye, which rye was even surprised when nate, ariel and patrick came to help cloud move.
Tropical - Chapter Thirteen
Fighting back the tears, cloud sat on the couch next to rye. instantly rye put his arm around cloud's shoulder and a paw on cloud's knee. the white otter leaned against rye. "i just don't want you to go." cloud's voice broke once.
Autumn Woods - Chapter Nine
cloud sat down and rye turned on the television and inserted a movie that cloud would like. "thanks rye," cloud said resting.
Tropical Revised - Chapter Ten
cloud grabbed wrapped his arms around his torso and squeezed lightly in a comforting hug. "i don't know how i'm going to be away from you for a month," cloud muttered. "don't you worry about that cloud," whispered rye.
Tropical - Chapter Eleven
"okay, simple enough," said cloud, he stepped closer to rye and slipped a paw around the otter's waist. rye looked at cloud and smiled, then put his arm around cloud's waist as well. cloud, slightly leaned his head on rye's shoulder.
Tropical Revised - Chapter Nine
"cloud, i had a thought occur to me now that you'll be working here." "what is it?" questioned cloud.
The Hunger
#12 of a lions obsession " angel....when will you see i did this for us," squall whispered softly as he held cloud's muzzle firmly in his grip.
Tropical - Chapter Three
Rye made sure he didn't turn toward the sounds of cloud changing in his kitchen. but soon enough cloud was finished and already standing behind rye. "what games do you have?" cloud asked.
How Could You?
Squall cut him off sternly, "cloud you are perfect." cloud gulped as his chest rose slightly as he inhaled; squall really thought cloud was perfect; the idea left cloud's head buzzing with unanswered questions.
Autumn Woods - Chapter Ten
Rye sat down next to cloud, and playfully forced his tail behind cloud and alongside with cloud's tail. "so what do you want to do now?" rye curled his tail back toward him, so it now wrapped around cloud's waist.
Autumn Woods - Chapter Two
Arm-in-arm again, cloud led rye to the locker rooms where they stopped and cloud finally let go of rye. slightly hurt by this reaction, rye tilted his head and looked at cloud quizzically.
Autumn Woods - Chapter Six
cloud smiled, basking in rye's beautiful aura and his innocence since he was still unaware of cloud's stare. finally rye noticed and stared back at cloud for a moment before he laughed. "what?" rye asked still laughing.