The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book V Chapter 12

This one is probably forgotten by most of the caretakers, it's on the way to the catacombs and the living have no reason to walk these stairs.

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The Slayer and the Sphinx: Chapter Thirty Nine

The catacombs beneath red castle were vast, a maze that anyone could easily become lost in if they didn't know the way. mortoph knew the way, though. there were few places on earth that he was more familiar with.

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Twilight Brigade Chronicles - Chapter 5

- the party had traveled quite a ways down into the dark catacombs, but still had no sign of the lost cyndaquil. now looking at his map, zaphiel was trying to figure out which path to take at the fork in the road they were currently stuck at.

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shadow 9

"i was following a lead when i found them in the catacombs under the club..." marcus's pleas were cut short as mr. von horn pushed him aside and grabbed xavier by the throat lifting him slightly off the ground.


The Field Mission

And they were hunkered down in the catacombs of baldur's gate, ready to fight any attempts to dig them out.

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Brave New Realm: Palace of Ice

A large, low marble structure on the opposite side of town from the catacombs. the palace ofa ice it seems. guards hopping out as the carts stopped, helping the group out as needed. yoren, the feathered raptor guard, took graf's hand and helped him down.

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A Long, Dark Road (Part 6)

"the way i head it," aric said, "was that he simply walked into the catacombs where morgana and damien were practicing, told them he wanted to join; then left."

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Lonely Oak Chapter 29

It was a fairly big building, and within the maze and catacombs of paper-back, hardcover, fiction, nonfiction and even newspaper articles and microfilms, were sparse tables placed like glades in a dense forest.

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Stralia - Ocean's Depths

But she still had problems like how she would navigate and not get lost in the underwater catacombs... once down there, there was very little chance of finding an exit that was not the way she came in or the way out.

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Chapter 32: The Talisman

The final one is beneath the new dragon temple in warfang in the catacombs. it is unlocked by its own key, a talisman." singe explained. "oh the talisman! i have to find it! it's the key!"

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Book of Changes Part 3

Without music, or an intriguing idea, color becomes pallor, man becomes carcass, home becomes catacomb, and the dead are but for a moment motionless."

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The Gate-Way Revisited: Chapter 5 Secrets Revealed

The ceiling was a catacomb of cat-walks and gantries, along with cranes rolling around on tracks, whose cables lifted massive machinery and vehicles.

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