E.U.R.O Chapter 6
There was a quiet beep as the kettle was boiled, this took the two boys by surprise as kettles usually just flicked off when boiled instead of beeping.
Torn Apart
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **beep! beep! beep!** my paw slammed down on the alarm clock ending its warning of another great day of school.
The Wolf and His Prey Chapter 1
beep beep beep, the alarm started to buzz with that dreaded sound that means your sweet dreams are over. "damn it's early" i thought to myself. i literally rolled out of my bed to stand up in the small bedroom of my dorm.
A fur at Freddy's: Sister location (part 4)
" **_\*beep\* \*beep\* \*beep\*_** a metal arm shot out and hit ballora three times, the last time her plates fell open, animatronic parts started falling and springing out, her eye, glowing a bright orange. "i'll open the face plates...
Midnight Rendezvous
It might hel- \*beep beep\*...\*beep beep\*...\*beep beep\*...\*beep beep\* anderson hears an electronic beeping coming from his right side. slowly he turns his head to the source of the noise.
Kaisa and Adina: Flatlined...
A rapid beeping follows pace with his struggling heart. losing focus he takes a last glance around him. a last glimpse of the doctors covering the gashes, trying to replace the bones, and inserting needles urgently, before gasping one last breath.
A Bookworm's First Love Ch.9
beep!...beep! beep!_ i slammed my fist down on the snooze button on my alarm clock. "shut...the...hell...up. i'm awake." i grumbled as i slowly started to wake from my dream. "ugh. stupid clock.
a dragons love in collage
beep beep a perfect start to the day a crappy alarm that does the same noise over and over but there was one good thing i will be transfering to a new college called dragons peek college i had already talked to the princable and got my scedual and id finally
Just another furry love story (chapter 2)
My sensitive ears wouldnt stop twitching to each \*beep beep\* \*beep beep\*. no matter how hard he tried to ignore the noisy alarm, i just couldnt do it. "alright, alright im up!" he says loudly to his alarm clock.
What the hell?: Schemes and dreams (part 4)
\*wednesday: 7:00am: summer: 2010 (upstate new york)\* \*beep beep beep beep\* jen sprung out of bad and quickly got dressed. mean while in lyra's room her alarm clock had gone off a half an hour before jens.
Life in the Apocalypse: Chapter 6
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~chapter 6~~~ beep. beep. beep. beep. beep. _mother.... fucking.... alarm...._ i sat up in bed, and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. no beating the alarm today. not after last night... _kyla....
A New Life in a New Body v2: Getting the Hell Out of Town
#1 of anlnb remastered coauthored and edited by averis a new life in a new body getting the hell out of town "beep, beep, beep," my alarm clock went off. i slammed my hand down on the snooze button and set up in my bed.