A New Life in a New Body v2: Getting the Hell Out of Town
#1 of ANLNB Remastered
Coauthored and Edited by Averis
A New Life in a New Body
Getting the Hell Out of Town
"Beep, beep, beep," my alarm clock went off. I slammed my hand down on the snooze button and set up in my bed. I rubbed my eyes and shifted my legs off of the bed. 'Another dull day ahead,' I thought to myself while standing up. I slid into one of my suits to work another dull day in computer tech support. More stupid shit going on that no one really notices.
I got a quick breakfast right before I was out the door. I walked out to my car, it wasn't in the best of shape but it got me from points a to b. I put the key in the ignition and started the car. When the radio came on it was playing Don't worry be happy, I love that song. I pulled out of the driveway and was on my way.
I was early just like every other day. I came in sat at my desk and started transferring the old manual to the new one that would be released in a few months. Looking at a guide that was the basis for the new tech support manual I took a few notes on what I noticed. My job was to make it look more professional and make it more user friendly. About half an hour later, Marge, the day manager, walked by and said, "I need the rough draft of that by the end of the week."
"It'll be done by the end of the day," I told her.
"No one likes a show off Michael," she said.
'She is always such a bitch' I thought. All I do is do my job to the best of my abilities and she acts like its a horrid idea. I never understood why she insists on acting like that. Maybe she just needs to get laid. I resumed my work and forgot about that bitch, soon after I was taking calls.
"Engine Tech Support, how can I be of assistance today?" I asked.
A girls voice came on the line and asked"Uh, hi, like my computer is turned on and shit, like the thing is making noise and all but nothing is on the screen, what should I do?"
"Ok, what kind of noise?"
After being silent for a moment she said "Like a fan kinda noise, it beeped at me several minutes ago, it beeps when I turn it on, is that normal?"
"Yes, ok now is the monitor plugged in?" I asked, trying not to show the irritation at her stupidity.
There was some noise and it sounded like the phone hit a table or chair and the girl said "ow, um, yeah, like I think so, there are a bunch of wires here." her voice sounding like it was a few feet from the phone. There was rustling on the line before she said "Like yeah, it has to be, are you still there mister computer guy, I dropped the phone."
"Yeah I'm still here. Ok, now do you see a button at the forward part closest to you?"
Making a noise of some kind I heard wind and figured she had just stood or something really quickly before she said "Like on this big boxy screen, um yeah, there's a button on it."
"Ok, there should be a small circle next to that is it lit up?"
"Um, it's orange, should it be some other color?"
"Press the button on the monitor."
"Oh, it works, thank you mister computer guy, should I do phone sex or something to pay you?"
"No thank you working with people like you is reward enough, (If I were in hell) Now you have a nice day."
Oddly enough my first call was the worst one of the day, I consider myself lucky. A few of my co workers arrived during the call and had to ask how stupid she sounded. I said if her IQ were any lower she'd have been a rock that thought it could swim. Then a close co worker came in.
"Hey Debra, you won't believe this.
Grabbing her chair and pulling it over while putting on her bluetooth headset she sat down and said "Whats up?"
"I got two tickets to a play I was wondering if maybe you be interested in going?" I asked.
Taking a moment and spin around in her chair she stopped and said "Sure, sounds like fun," before raising her finger and pointing to her headset and pressing the button to answer the call.
I took about three more hours worth of calls and did another hour of transferring the book on to the computer. Then it was time for lunch and I was really glad that most of us had the same lunch at same time, a few people eat later so that the office isn't totally empty. Debra and i always sat at the same table for lunch and we were generally left alone.
"So want to head out to Klives Tavern after work?" I asked.
"I need to stop by my appartment first and take care of a few things, meet you there around 6:20?" Debbra said while snacking on an apple.
"Sounds good," I said sipping a bit of my Dr. Freeman, "so how was your night last night?"
"Same as normal, cat tried to eat rat, rat somehow made the cat get stuck in a vent, I had to call a repairman to get my cat out." Laughing she was so radiant in her happiness.
"Mine was just as dull as any other day as well.So hows Grimmjaw?" I asked.
"Trapped in his room, Ichigo will egg him on again somehow tonight, so he's locked up today as well, they both know they did bad last night," she said while starting on her salad.
"I hope those two learn to get along better. What are you going to do though until they learn to coexist in peace that is going to keep happening." I said, putting my fork in spaghetti and twirling it.
Shrugging she pointed at me with a piece of tomato on her fork and said "I think they're scheming to get me to reward them when they do get along, I mean I have to reinforce positive behavior so I still need to reward them even if I'm onto their plan." Looking serious for several seconds I wasn't sure but that she possibly believed what she was saying until she broke out in laughter and said "Okay, I can't try and be serious about that."
"You are so strange, I like that," I said eating my meal for several minutes before she responded.
We talked for a bit more before we got back to work. the rest of the day was uneventful, I did what I told the manager that I was going to do and handed it to her personally. In what time was left of the day I took a few more calls, the kind that make me hate my job; afterwards I clocked out and headed home to change my clothes.
I arrived at the bar at five o'clock. and ordered a beer, I nursed it for about half an hour before I got another one. I wasn't paying attention to the barkeep when she handed me the second beer though. Close to around six i started feeling a little sick; When Deb arrived I was getting worse.
Looking incredible in a tight pair of pants and a magenta flowered top that showed off her bust a bit she walked over and said "Hey, you're not looking so hot, do you feel okay?"
"Not really i think it might have been something i ate or drank, I hate to cut out early but i think i might do that tonight," I said.
"Look, you need to get home, I'll loan you my shoulder for the walk." Debbra said while helping me up.
"Thanks see you tomorrow maybe... if I'm feeling any better." I said once we were at my car.
I drove home as best I could and got inside. Seems like that bartender slipped something into my drink. The pain was getting worse, and I was getting more worried as the pain made it harder to think. One thing that helps me in times like this is a nice warm shower, heading to the bathroom I got undressed. I looked in the mirror and something was off in my eyes I couldn't quite tell what it was though and shrugged it off.
I turned the facet on and stood under the warm stream for a few minutes, deciding to sit back and just let the water was over me I sat down. After about fifteen minutes I started feeling shooting pains going through my body. It was almost too painful to deal with and I've experienced plenty of pain before. That pain was nothing compared to this though, this was pain that you expect in the instant you have realization when and explosive is taking your life, soon after blacked out entirely.
I awoke several hours later. The pain was gone and surprisingly I feel better than I have in years. The water was still running. I really don't want to see my next water bill, i think it will be really high due to that episode, whatever it was. I shut it off and climbed out of the tub. I then looked in the mirror to my utter horror. I was someone else, I had transformed into a fur. In recent years they have been executed because they were unnatural and supposedly evil. For once in recent times Church and State were on the same side.
"I guess I'm on the other side of the law now," I said to my reflection.
I needed to handle a few things so I did those really quick, mostly tell Deb I had to go back home and probably wasn't coming back, and wrote my boss a very nasty resignation letter. Then I gathered what clothes I had, opened my safe and pulled out a .45 colt with a silencer attachment and a few fully loaded clips and a 300 round box. packed my computer up, put all of my stuff in my car, put the pistol in the center console and the ammunition in the glove box. I also got my small backup generator.
To avoid risking any unnecessary attention I followed all of the rules and regulations of the road and drove about as calmly as I could knowing that I could be publicly executed. Once I was outside city limits I started speeding up until I was driving as fast as you could safely drive. I drove out to the Nabls Forest since its not owned by anybody, so its the perfect place to hide out, and I had built a small cabin a while back out in the woods there. At least out here I would be able to avoid detection for a while.
The cabin had everything I would have ever needed, internet connection, a vast store of non-perishable foods, and a stockpile of high tech military gear. A home away from home; A place of safety, by the time i calmed down enough it was already the next day and I fell asleep and drifted off into a peaceful slumber.
I woke up to the sound of the perimeter alarm going off. I'd set them about a mile out each, someone was on the way here and I was going to have to kill them to protect myself. Grabbing my pistol and a shirt I headed out. It didn't take very long to find him, he was very clumsy and making a lot of noise. I raised my pistol and shot him in the knees, he obviously wasn't used to dealing with someone who knew how to protect themselves. I ran over to him and put the gun in his face and started fishing around in his pockets. I found what i was looking for, identification. He was apparently Ben Beaterman in something called the SNIB.
"What the hell is SNIB," I asked.
"Sniffer Investigation Bureau," he said, "No matter what you do they'll keep looking for you they'll keep coming till you're dead."
"Strong words for a dead man." I said firing a round into his skull.
I ran back to the hideout and locked the door and turned the alarm off. So I was now a wanted fugitive, after I turned I knew it would happen eventually. After all I did for this damn country and now they'll kill me without a second thought. I need to call Deb and tell her whats going on. I know I shouldn't but I need to, she deserves to know. I called her, against my better judgement.
"Hello?" she answered groggily.
"Deb, Its me, Mike." I said.
"You sound different, are you feeling alright, you didn't come in today." she perked up immediately after I said my name.
"I'm fine, I cant come back though, not ever. I went through the change, I need to keep this short the government could be listening to this call. Forget about me. I'm sorry things had to end like this, I truly am. Are you following what I'm saying," i asked.
"Yeah, you're a fool. You turned into a fur, I get it, you think that shit will work on me. I just don't get why you're doing it so soon, you didn't even fucking sleep with me, and you're leaving a good job for some reason that you refuse to actually explain. Just go fuck yourself bastard." She said before hanging up.
"I love you," I said into a closed line.
Then there came a knock at the door, "We know you're in there, we know what has happened and want to help. We mean you no harm, open up."
I hesitated for a moment, not really wanting to endanger myself, but I took the chance anyway, "Do anything funny and I'll blow your fucking brains out."
I opened the door and there was a rabbit, a big bear, and a fox were standing in the frame, the bear turned out to be the one who spoke through the door since when he said, "We're your friends," the voice was the same.
"I hope so I've lost a lot of stuff in the past day," I said