“Odd-Ass Podcast” =D
So I made a podcast with some friends =^-^= It's called the "Odd-Ass Podcast" now available on iTunes! Disclaimer: Its All joking It's a dark humor comedy podcast, so if u like stuff like sleepycabin, give us a like & listen ;) We don't really...
Fr-ended... Before I go father than needed, let me explain To be as one can, is expected with some amount of pain Struggle is a word spoken in place of frustration Though many a time, the definition is re-written from ones own hesitation Had a...
Night thoughts - 37. - Because why not Peace-full Slow & steady, dust is shown from heavy hands Glass long broken, footsteps remain in times priceless sands Muscles move aching among twist & turns long forgotten Holes make up most of the remains...
Night thoughts - 63. - Y knot Fin-alley... Back again, for anything but the win Eyes clearly lacking in focus, mind out for the night Looking past need sight, I whisper among the crowd how to feel right Sleeping while talking, pushes remind me to...
Great-full... I can't thank you enough The gentlest hand to hold, but a mindset beyond tough It's a miracle to me to see you smile It's been years of tears, & shared fears Always, you stay strong Through thick & thin, you stand, regardless of any...
B-4... Try as I might, the slips & struggles keep me in continuous clockwork discovery Seeing what's been sighted, fought for, wronged, & righted throughout history So many sitting on a thought long forgotten, seen as not enough Too many with...
- Night thoughts- 68. - Y knot... Why'z... This night, I don't feel much fight I've seen all that's left, & don't think it'd be right Along the trips, the ground shook me like bad news often did It took time, still does for some things, but much...
Night thoughts - 80. - y knot... Awe'l... The room empty, the walls full of memories Im reminded of better times, amazing stories Least to me... The times I've been able to share, now...part of our histories So much to do again... So much...
Night thoughts - 79. - Y knot... Day-Jah-Voo... Tonight, I fight an old feeling Long left to disappear, I blink uneasy as I think, I know it's growing near Slipping into my hesitations, it moves, turning all to ice, frozen again till I give it my...
Night thoughts - 77. - Y knot... S'leap... Timid & shy, a dream found me yesterday, & began asking eternally why... I explained as much as I could, sharing much more than needed, much more than I should As I continued, it began losing it's...
Night thoughts - 76. - Y knot... Mirror'cle... Another breeze brought me back, to a time of bliss When I found too much to smile about, nothing yet surreal to miss Much of my time was spent tiring myself to tears It was blinking that passed from...
Night thoughts - 74. - Y knot... Dizzy... Shouldn't be surprised by tired eyes showing something that, shouldn't, can't be Still, I get such a chill, as dreams & nightmares hold hands, walking toward me Letting my nerves diminish to the dust around...