Second Sight: Chapter Six: Drop Off, Lights On.
Location: Arpeggio, Militia Docks. Time: 00:10am. Year: 2092, March 1st. My gun was shaking in my hands. I was sitting in a small black jet, waiting for take-off. Alongside me sat my squad; Cam and Lance. Commander Fisher sat on the opposite...
Second Sight: Chapter Four: Groundside
Location: Arpeggio, Northern Edge. Time: 10:30am. Year: 2092, January 10th. I was driven over to the Northern Edge of the city. The entire city was one large octagon. The edges were also supported by one arch each, as well as half a dozen...
Second Sight: Chapter Three: Recruitment
Location: Arpeggio, Second Life Orphanage. Time: 06:30am. Year: 2090, December 15th. I woke up quietly, and found myself on top of Joseph. He sounded as though he was awake. I couldn't hear him snoring. "Do you have to leave now?" He...
Second Sight: Chapter Two: Arpeggio's Angels
Location: Arpeggio City, Sed High School. Time: 08:50am. Year: 2090, December 14th. I stayed silent for quite a while. I was still trying to get Joseph out of my head. I kept focusing on what was important right now; visiting that Avian doctor...
Second Sight: Chapter One: The Good Doctor?
Location: Arpeggio City, Sed High School. Time: 15:15pm. Year: 2090, December 13th. The weekend had flown by rather fast. I was glad, since I had nothing to do during those two days. I had to go on one of my ‘Runs' to keep me busy. By run, I...
Second Sight: Prologue
\*History log: 2030: 80% of Earth's Nuclear Power stations failed, causing intense meltdowns and a spread of radiation covering 90% of the world. 2032: The GUN, or ‘Globally United Nations', agree to establish a prototype city as a refuge...