Second Sight: Prologue

Story by Hemlyn on SoFurry

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#5 of Second Sight

*History log:

2030: 80% of Earth's Nuclear Power stations failed, causing intense meltdowns and a spread of radiation covering 90% of the world.

2032: The GUN, or ‘Globally United Nations', agree to establish a prototype city as a refuge against the radiation that covered the planet.

2035: Against long odds, Tyr City is successfully constructed, and split into three separate layers: The Undercity, The Lower City and The Upper City.

2040: Major crime syndicates and Organizations are developed. Enforcers are introduced to suppress these syndicates. Previous Leader: Elle Green 2020-2074.

2055: After years of struggle, Enforcers and The GUN put an end to all major crime syndicates across the city, and begin to develop new cities across the planet.

2060: Following areas are developed: Vega City, Nulline Metropolis, and Arpeggio City.

2065: Radiation levels have diminished, leaving more space for construction.

2070: Vega has experienced immense radiation poisoning, leaving the major population irradiated. This has also given birth to new bio-technology research.

2071: Constant tests on radiation has given birth to new Super Soldiers used as law enforcement, formally named ‘Arch-Angels'.

2074: Elle Green is assassinated at the hands of a rogue Arch-Angel. Control over the Enforcers is handed over to Elle's adopted daughter, Aarl Green.

2080: Further expansion reveals a new breed of mutated organics, known as ‘Demons'.

2084: Arch-Angels are transferred to city borders as a defense against Demons as well as other threats to the cities.

2090 (Current Year): Officials have begun enlisting youths into the Arch-Angel program due to the diminishing of the soldiers. This remains to be seen as a successful development.


Location: Arpeggio City, Sed High School.

Time: 12:30pm.

Year: 2090, December 10th.

I woke up, staring down at my desk. I had been sleeping for a while, now. The teacher was looking at me, shaking his head. I stared back at him with my eyes half closed.

"You haven't heard a word I've said, have you, Kobalt?" The teacher asked. I sighed quietly, and came up with a little lie.

"Yeah, I have." I replied, with the whole class looking at me. "I just needed to close my eyes for a while."

"More like twenty minutes." He muttered, causing the class to laugh quietly. "Very well, then. What do you measure heat and temperature in?"

I just remembered that I was in a physics class! It was simple; I always excelled at physics, as well as technology studies and food technology. I knew that answer by heart.

"You measure temperature in degrees Celsius, and heat in Joules." I replied, with a small smile on my face.

The teacher sighed: "Just don't doze off again. Nobody likes a dozy Fox."

I breathed out in relief; though maybe for no reason. I closed my eyes again and went back to daydreaming.

My name is Kobalt Kaiken, fifteen years old and still orphaned. I try to not let it get in the way, though. Now the orphanage was just a place for me to sleep. Most of the time, I was at school, or I was working a part time job. I could never deal with having too much personal time.

My life wasn't lonely, though. A friend at the same orphanage had the same idea: Joseph Coda. He was an average Wolf; he had steel grey fur, but had bright green eyes, and was surprisingly tall. We were completely inseparable, and always looked out for each other. He constantly called me a ‘tech-head' because of my constant interest in technology and my ability to make almost anything out of random junk. He also called me a shadow since I always kept a few secrets from him; one of which got me into a lot of trouble.

I had an eye condition that no one had seen before. This condition often caused me to see things that other people couldn't see, and every time I took a blow to the head, my vision would start to blur; sometimes I would even go blind, or images would strata to stretch, flash or move even when they weren't.

Most people hated me for my descent. I was half Arctic Fox, and Half Red Fox. When people brought the subject up, I would stay silent, and pretend I didn't hear anything. I was practically scum to everyone but Joseph. That was why I stayed with him. I could never imagine my life without him.


Location: Arpeggio City, Second Life Orphanage.

Time: 20:30pm.

Year: 2090, December 10th.

The cold had bitten into my fingers. Even though I was part Arctic Fox, It wouldn't help considering how cold the weather was. I was supporting Joseph, slinging his right side over my shoulders as we walked into our room. We both shared a single room, which was convenient because we both woke up and got back from school at the same time. I pushed the door open and let Joseph fall onto his bed. He turned over and met my eye.

"How long was I asleep for?" He asked, stretching his arms out.

"Ever since we got off work." I laughed, sitting down on my bed. I took off my rucksack and dropped it on the floor.

Joseph sighed: "Sorry, Kobalt. I'm just exhausted. I need a good night's sleep. After that, I'll be back to my old self."

"It's a good thing it's Friday, then." I replied, lying down on my bed and closing my eyes; stretching until I heard a satisfying click in my left shoulder. I opened my eyes and saw Joseph getting up form his bed. He walked over to mine and leant down.

He was stroking my head, making my long brown hair fold back.

"More headaches?" He asked. He always knew if something was wrong with me by picking out odd behavior or other quirks.

"None of your business." I whispered. "Get off, now."

Joseph slowly rose up and sighed. He stretched one more time and went back to his bed. He whispered ‘goodnight' into my ear before getting up, which made my fur start to stand on end. I couldn't tell if he was trying to be a father figure or something much more. That was what unnerved me about Joseph. I could never tell what kind of person he was.