A Silent Soul- Chapter 13

A green tint quickly became apparent across her scales as she began passing out papers to each group for the assignment.

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Raven Wolf - Book 04 - Chapter 14

"a body guard assignment for an actor..." "not just any actress mr. mort, ms.

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Raven Squad Nine {The Beginning}

According to the debrief i received before being assigned to rsn their last mission had seen them shamed by a failure to complete their mission that also lead to the death of their recon while they where retreating to their ride out.


Everyone got along fairly well, and we all were more than prepared to go face our destinies, but i was not prepared for a four-foot tall surprise that was assigned to our unit.

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Several of the more productive students even found time to busy themselves with handling more cosmetic matters by tending to the meditation garden once their assigned chores were complete.

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File #3 - "Tension"

"it says that you are assigned to chief of operations" read greyfell with a somewhat glum expression.

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wander ~ Chapter 7

There was a reason why i tried to finish all my homework soon after the original assignment. except astronomy, apparently.

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Words from Far Away

Karezuma base, earth date 17.5.2246 it has already been 2 months and 3 days since i was assigned here. so far, no major problems to report. according to the results from the environmental verification, the planet should be ready for settlements.


Poem #75: Tapestry

#76 of poetry assignment #4/8 from my college creative writing poetry class. this poem assignment had to start with the line "unexpected meetings occur in a forest."

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Praetorian Guard

I had been assigned to her not because she was in danger, but because they had assigned mediocrity to her for the last two bodyguards, both of whom were dismissed and sent to the colonies without pension.

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Poem #36: Where I'm From

#37 of poetry senior english assignment. this is a pretty common english assignment across the states, but for those who don't know, all of them are based on the format a poem of the same title by the writer george ella lyon.

Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.04: Enter the Lowefangs - Ep.01

The female kirin happened to enjoy visiting museums, so this little assignment felt more like a fun field trip than a tedious chore.

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