Out of Place - Chapter 1

I must have zoned out cleaning up when i got in the way of an apprentice. "get the hell out of my way dragon, first you're late and now you can't even pay attention."

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Grentail Manor Chapter 9

The merchant at the stall greeted, "and the arch apprentice! what a pleasant surprise! come, come, see what i have to offer, you needn't worry about paying."

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Into the Depths (Ceil's Journey Part II)

"you're much tougher than my last apprentice. she was more worried about her tattered robes than practicing her spells."

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Blackest Heart chapter one

"wheir..." he croaks trying once more to speak only to feel the soft flesh of what could only be silken covered breasts of the female apprentice trish.


Ravenwood Chapter 1

Not far behind the young wolf could hear the sounds of the pair of dragon fire academy apprentices as they gave chase. it was just another typical day for casper, your not so average teenage wolf.

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Blue Sky Rain - Under the Surface Chapter 6

"since he can no longer salvage, i've convinced him to become my apprentice. i know it'll be controversial for some of the tribe members, but i have no other apprentice, and any shaman is better than no shaman.

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Duty Chapter 1

I'm here on behalf of the covenant cellista to ask you to decline your current apprenticeship and come apprentice under me."

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The Templar Outcast Chapter 2

They didn't take to their own sleep until eleven at night, after checking to make sure every apprentice was in bed and asleep, though the night guards were still very much awake i'm sure.

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The Kingdom of Achoel: Character List

apprentice - has just entered the academy. stays an apprentice until a minimum of one year passes. novice - any person that can cast basic spells, but may not plan on entering the academy.

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The Saga of Fidonhaal - Daughters of the East - Preview 2

It felt as if vente herself wanted to make sure a stray breeze did not meddle with the apprentice's efforts.

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The Blood Which Binds

A far better apprentice than you ever were." "and one day he'll get to show me as much. but dear father--" she leaned in close. that darkness radiating from her prickled the feathers on his scalp and neck, turned his stomach.

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Vikie's D&D back Story

By the time the twins had turned 13 the sorcerer's apprentice was almost ready to become a sorcerer.

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